Many Thanks Deva.
Thank you!
As shown in video #18 above for one method.
Yes! You can follow that video.
Aside from that fact that I haven't gotten any of this to work, the main point here is a huge CAUTION!!!
I followed the below for connections and so on exactly:
Well, not only did nothing upload (I followed the instructions exactly), but both the Nano and the ATTiny85 produced DANGEROUS HEAT yikes!!!!!!
I instantly unplugged the Nano from the USB port and went to remove the ATTiny85 from the breadboard, and it gave me a severe burn that blistered instantly and now I can't even use that finger to type. That is a hell of a lot of heat!!!
Maybe that PDF works with the UNO, I don't know - but with the Nano, all I got was a potential fire-starter...
So beware and be wary!
Theoretically, if ATTiny85 works with UNO, it should work with NANO though I have not tried. I am now going to program the ATtiny85 using NANO and will report the result.
I have followed that pdf (Section-19.2.1) having ISP connection between Arduino NANO and ATTiny85. Everything works fine; the LED1 is blinking; both NANO and ATtiny85 are cool enough.
Always make GND connection first and then 5V connection. Make all IO connections at power-off condition.
[GolamMostafa] wrote:
I have followed that pdf (Section-19.2.1) having ISP connection between Arduino NANO and ATTiny85. Everything works fine; both NANO and ATtiny85 are cool enough.
Thank you! That's good news at least.
Maybe I should take down my post, since my error is not reproducible... I'm using a breadboard for the first time (yup, total and absolute "noob"), and the connections seem very poor to me, not at all secure IMO, so maybe my error was related to that. I'm not inclined to try that wiring diagram again, though... :o
I let everything cool down and did manage to get the "ArduinoISP" sketch to upload, or at least, to get all the way through the sketch without any error codes. So at least I didn't cook the Nano!
But following the directions to make the ATTiny85 (or -45, which I also tried) functional still gets me "Invalid device signature".
This is the wiring diagram (hopefully, copy and paste works...) that I can't get to function, BUT at least it does not overheat; I don't remember where I found it, otherwise I'd give attribution
Anyway, Thank You again for making sure this isn't a universal fire hazard!
Your connection looks alright. Remove the capacitor (no need and I have not used it) and try again. Be sure, that the ATtiny85 Board parameters agree with what has been described in the referred pdf.
If you have still the signature problem, try with another ATTiny85. First, carry out 'Burn Bootloader" process and then store sketch using "Upload Using Programmer'.
Hello again GolamMostafa!
I tried to quote your post ; sorry, still figuring out the FOrum as well
Actually, I tried again, and it now wants me to upload and install libftdi/libusb - so I'll give that a go and then retry everything as you suggested.
Have you set the programmer to the correct one ?
What device signature are you getting ?
Hello Deva_Rishi,
Sorry for my late reply - life intervened
The programmer was the Nano 3.0/"classic"; I did get it to accept the "ArduinoISP" example. Then I switched the settings in "Tools" to what's shown in the image ((I finally got a screencapture of it)).
Then I click "Burn Bootloader"; the messages show that the Nano has tried to pass the burn instruction to the ATTiny85, but can't find the address and return the message:
"avrdude: Device signature = 0xffffff"
From what I've read, that basically means it couldn't find the chip.
I need to sleep and approach this with a fresh mind in the morning...
what image ?
Similar error messages may show when you have selected the incorrect programmer.
Bad wiring tends to result in 0x0 (zero / nothing)
That's all good. no problem with that.
I should hope so.
I don't know what else to tell you, ipretty much always get it to work unless i accidentally stick the wrong chip in there. An NE555 or a WS2811 just don't work
I made a small programmer adapter though that also do contain the LEDs and particular the heartbeat (pin 9) is relevant. at times the board used for programming goes out of sync and the heartbeat stops. pressing reset on the UNO / Nano then start it again. Anyway that is not what is happening i think, cause that results in a different error message.
Hello Deva_Rishi;
I wish it was as straightforward as a wrong chip, Heh!
The only chips I have, though, are ATTiny85 and two *45 ones (I marked the latter), because there is something pretty specific I want to do. Anyway, I tried a few of the chips and none accepted the bootloader.
So, what I'm thinking is that my breadboards are the problem - I got a bag with several "mini" boards, and none of them has what I'd call a firm hold on any of the leads. They also don't have the designated column at the edge for Ground/negative that I've seen in every video I've watched.
What I'm going to do is get something better and repeat the attempt with the bootloader; I already found that the Nano is holding the "ISP" instructions I uploaded to it via USB, so, when the new breadboards arrive, I'll transfer everything to a new one and see whether that solves the problem.
Thank you for your suggestions!
I'll let everyone know whether the new breadboard helps, just in case someone else has the same situation.
I actually built a small programmer on a bit of experimentation pcb, but not until i had it working on a breadboard.
Have you actually checked all connections with a multimeter ? It may be just 1 connection that is not connecting properly.
How about you post a picture of how you have it in front of you. That may clarify things.
I haven't read through all 75 posts so forgive me if this was discussed:
Have you verified all your jumper wires are good? They do fail. This requires an ohm meter or a test circuit using an LED and resistor.
Hi 2112!
Embarrassingly enough, I didn't think of just setting anything up with an LED and resistor! Well that was silly of me!
So your suggestion is a good one
I'll give that a go since the new bread board won't be here until at least next Tuesday, so nothing to lose setting it all up again and adding an LED indicator
Hi Deva,
I took it apart. but I'll set it up again and add an LED indicator, as "2112" suggested.
I saw a video online where someone showed himself making a programmer. Interesting! Since this is all new to me, and since I already bought the Nano , I'll focus on getting this project functioning and wait to look at other projects - I have adult ADD and I have to force myself to keep it down to three to five totally-unrelated projects for the sake of my sanity, or at least, what's left of it, Heh! But some of the things people do with lights, and with moving parts, is amazing!
I don't have a 'multimeter' <ahem...> All I've done up to now has been battery+resistor(s)+LED(s), but that's a good idea and I'll look into multimeters, now that one can actually be useful
They come quite cheap these days, a digital one which makes a beeping sound for a connection is one of the tools i use the most. I can check for accidental shorts and confirm connections. before i power something and prevent damage that way.
Disadvantage of a LED + resistor is that polarity is relevant and that significant current needs to flow.
Only 3 or 5 , hey i have that just in separate hobbies, and several projects per hobby