Trying to run no name 6 wires stepper with Arduino UNO + CNC Shield V3 and A4988

Hi :smiley:

Im trying to run no name 6 wires stepper from old IBM typewritter with Arduino UNO + CNC Shield V3 and A4988 the motor has no markings on it the only i can see are on wires


im guessing EC+,EC are CENTER TAP`s ? because when i connect LED to it it wont glow when mowing head of motor other pairs will glow the led , oh and ohms on each pair are the same sow how ,can any one help me with this ? if i only connect A ,B pairs motor starts to wiggle a bit but wont move

You need to measure the resistance for the different pairs of wires with your multimeter to be sure you have identified them properly. When you have, you can ignore the centre connections - just make sure they are not connected to anything, not even to each other.

If it is a low resistance motor then it may require more current than an A4988 can provide - but you should be able to get it working slowly.

If it is a low current (amps) motor be sure to set the current limit on the A4988 so that you don't overload the motor.

Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code

Hi :smiley:

Im trying to run no name 6 wires stepper from old IBM typewritter with Arduino UNO + CNC Shield V3 and A4988 the motor has no markings on it the only i can see are on wires


That's a 3-phase motor with windings A, B, C I think, not a stepper.

Do you have pictures of the motor, its wires and nameplate?

it dosent have name plate unfortunetly

'F' for photography. Try again.


ok got better camera to make photos :slight_smile:

i found driver for it on main board from same typewriter with 6 transistors so i guess you guys right its 3 phase motor , im guessing im too newish to use it with GRBL on self build driver board from salvaged parts from that main board lol

It's a variable reluctance motor or a 3-phase stepper given what can be seen of the rotor.

is it posibble to run it on arduino the types of motors you mentioned ? with pre-made arduino driver and library ?

Swtiched-reluctance motor control is a current research topic, I'd assume not. 3-phase stepper drivers
would be a build-your-own job, but the principles are similar to normal steppers (bipolar).

You can tell switched reluctance from stepper easily, SR motors have zero cogging torque (no
permanent magnets)

If we didn't know its a motor that machine could also conceivable be a 3-phase alternator. There's a small
possibility its something more exotic than a motor, like a resolver or suchlike, but its probably too large.

What vintage is this typewriter?

its a "Electric typewriter type 674x IBM 1984" thats what name plate on the cover says

i wanted to use it with CNC v3 shield wich has 4 pins to make cnc plotter ,any one got scheme for such driver or maybe i can mess around with inside of that motor to make it 2 phases ?