Trying to send a OSC message over WIFI

Hi, i'm trying to send an OSC message to my PC over WiFi with my MKR1000, but i'm kinda stuck. I can ping my device but that's about the only way i can see any traffic. This is my code:

#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <OSCBundle.h>

// Wi-Fi settings
char ssid[] = "xxxx";
char password[] = "xxxx";

// IP address of the computer running the OSC receiver
IPAddress destinationIP(192, 168, 8, 213);
const unsigned int destinationPort = 3250;  // OSC receiver port

// Create a UDP instance for sending OSC messages
WiFiUDP Udp;

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communication for debugging

  // Connect to Wi-Fi network
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("Connected to Wi-Fi");

  // Print the local IP address
  IPAddress localIP = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print("Local IP: ");

void loop() {
  // Create an OSC bundle
  OSCBundle bundle;

  // Add OSC messages to the bundle
  int valueOSC = 1;  // Read an analog sensor

  // Send the OSC bundle
  Udp.beginPacket(destinationIP, destinationPort);
  bundle.send(Udp);  // Send the bundle over UDP

  Serial.print("Sent OSC message: ");

  // Wait for a while before sending the next message

Do you have Wireshark (or similar) to see what's actually happening on the network?

Do you mean ping the MKR1000 from the PC, or vice versa?

Do you have to create a client first to open the port for sending?

I can ping the Arduino from my pc, but that's about the only traffic i see from it in Wireshark. I tried tracking anything being sent from the Arduino's IP but only the pings appear.

I don't think that's the problem, as it's a WiFi connection. Ethernet is only for cabled connections, right?

I'm more referencing the client aspect of it. I haven't worked with the wifi or UDP protocol much so I don't know if you need to start a client first that will send those UDP packets.

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