I am looking at the pinouts for the Arduino MEGA and Arduino Nano. Can someone please assist me by helping identify which pins the Nano equate to on the MEGA. I obviously understand the 5v, 3.3v, reset and GNDs. I also believe I understand the Analog 00 thru Analog 07. I have attached a diagram of the two. Thanks.
are you talking about pin numbers as programmed in the arduino IDE or are you talking about physical pins on the CPU?
What is the reason that you are asking, because I don't really understand what this matters.
Both come with different main chips, but are "compatible" in a sense of @spycatcher2k's reply.
So you can write sketches which will work on both boards, but the Nano has less I/O pins to be addressed.
I guess I am asking because if I am being told to use D08 and D09 on the NANO, I want to make sure that when I am using the MEGA, I am plugging them into applicable pins.
When I look at pinout diagrams, some of the digital pins say PWM, SPI:SS, SPI:MOSI and some just say Digital ##. That is what confuses me.
Yes, some pins have multiple capabilities. pin D11 of the Nano is also MOSI for example
so if your code uses D11 as a digital pin, it's fine (usually) to use D11 on the MEGA, but if your code is using the hardware MOSI pin, then you need to connect to pin 51 of the MEGA...
usually it's documented and the special pins have variable names, so well written programs would take that into account
thanks, that helps a lot. I appreciate it. My project involves pairing two HC-05 Bluetooth modules together and the instruction I have is for the NANO and I have the MEGA.
ok - so is your code is probably using Software Serial on the Nano? you have multiple hardware Serial on the Mega, so best would be to actually use one of those instead of Software Serial... (hope this does not confuse you a bit more )
it does, lol, but I will continue to learn as I go along.