I'm building a digital organ and have used MCP23S17 expanders with Arduino Nanos with a fair measure of success. However, I want to tidy it all up and make the organ idiot-proof. When I switch on the Arduino starts up, but the expanders don't. If I press the reset on the Nano then it restarts and everything works. I've tried various solutions, putting a delay in the setup() code before initialising the expanders. I even tried putting a capacitor between the Nano rst pin and ground but that seems to prevent uploading new code, so I had to remove it. According to the MCP23S17 datasheet it has a builtin POR which should handle any initial setup at that end. If it is the expanders, I don't see why resetting the Nano would clear the problem. Can anyone help?
I'm happy to provide more detailed information if you say what is needed.
Have you added a pull up resistor (say 10k) to the reset pin of the MCP23S17 ? The data sheet says this must be externally biased so can't be left floating. Even if you control this over an Arduino pin, a resistor is necessary because an Arduino pin is floating at power on.
Thanks for the pointer!
If you come back the next step is to get a review of your code and a schematic diagram.
Connect the MCP23S17 reset pin to an output pin. In setup() cycle the MCP reset.
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