Ttgo lora32 / nodemcu display SPI + lora

buonasera devo realizzare un progetto e non so che scheda scegliere tra una nodemcu e una ttgo lora32
devo collegarvi un display SPI 128x160px pilotato con la libreria st7735
riesco a farlo andare correttamente sulla nodemcu perché dal pinout ho trovato i li relativi a sck cs muso ecc
la ttgo mi verrebbe molto comoda perché ha il modulo lora integrato che mi serve e va in spi
però non riesco a integrare anche il display non trovo i pin. Secondo voi è fattibile mi aiutate a capire?

Can you post in English please.

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ops i haven't realized I am on English side so,
I need to make a project but I still don't know which board is better between a nodemcu and a ttgo lora32.

I need to use a 128x160px tft display driven by st7735 library of adafruit.

currently I am able to make nodemcu works with a display becouse I have found mosi cs sck exc pins easily,but I'm not able to do the same with the ttgo board. it would be really helpful becouse it has Lora module built in and I need it.

my question is, is it possible to connect an SPI display on a ttgo board?
or its better continue with the nodemcu board and add the Lora module on SPI?

Probably depends on which TTGO board you are using ...............

it's a 433mhz v1. 6.1 with oled display and tf card

You should be able to run the TFT on the same SPI bus as the SD card.

Not actually tried it myself on that board though.

yessss it works

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