TTGO t-beam supreme RTC files missing

I am trying to get the pcf8563 rtc on a new TTGO t-beam supreme equipped with ESP32-S3FN8 running.
The example in does not compile because the files "SensorPCF8563.tpp" and "boards.h" are missing.
Where to find them? Any hint appreciated!


boards.h is in the link you included


#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "SensorPCF8563.tpp"
#include "boards.h"

it is in quotation marks, not brackets. you include boards.h in the same folder as the .ino file.

see GitHub - Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-LoRa-Series: LILYGO LoRa Series examples

item 2:Start Arduino and open Preferences window. In additional board manager add url:

if you have not done that, start there

Thanks for your answer. I feel completely stupid. I cannot neither find the file "SensorPCF8563.tpp" nor "boards.h". When trying to compile it shows:

Compilation error: SensorPCF8563.tpp: No such file or directory and if I comment out this line:

Compilation error: boards.h: No such file or directory

What to do, where can I get the files from?

Hi @yamsboat. Which version of Arduino IDE are you using (e.g., "2.0.1")? The version is shown on the window title bar and also in the Help > About (or Arduino IDE > About Arduino IDE for macOS users) dialog.

I ask for this information because I want to give you the appropriate instructions for the IDE version you are using.

Thanks for your help! I am using 2.1.0. I have already added the json file in preferences.

OK, I'll provide instructions you can follow to correctly install the library and sketch on your computer so that all the necessary files will be available.

Please follow these instructions very carefully:

  1. Click the following link to open the library's GitHub repository homepage in your web browser:
  2. Click the "<> Code ▾" button you see on that page.
  3. Select Download ZIP from the menu.
    A download of the ZIP file of the library will start.
  4. Wait for the download to finish.
  5. Select File > Preferences from the Arduino IDE menus.
    The "Preferences" dialog will open.
  6. Take note of the path shown in the "Sketchbook location" field of the "Preferences" dialog.
  7. Click the "CANCEL" button.
  8. Unzip the downloaded file to any convenient location on your computer.
  9. Copy all the folders from the lib subfolder of the folder you unzipped. To the libraries subfolder of the path from the "Sketchbook location" preference.
    The resulting folder structure should look like this:
    <sketchbook location>/
    ├── libraries/
    │   ├── AXP202X_Library/
    │   ├── AceButton/
    │   ├── Adafruit_BME280_Library/
    │   ├── Adafruit_BusIO/
    │   ├── Adafruit_Sensor/
    │   ├── ESP8266_SSD1306/
    │   ├── LMIC-Arduino/
    │   ├── LoRa/
    │   ├── MadgwickAHRS/
    │   ├── MicroNMEA/
    │   ├── RadioLib/
    │   ├── SX12XX-LoRa/
    │   ├── SensorsLib/
    │   ├── SparkFun_Ublox_Arduino_Library/
    │   ├── TFT_eSPI/
    │   ├── TinyGPSPlus/
    │   ├── U8g2/
    │   ├── XPowersLib/
    │   ...
    (where <sketchbook location> is the folder at the path of the "Sketchbook location" preference)
  10. Select File > Open... from the Arduino IDE menus.
    The "Open" dialog will open.
  11. From inside the folder you unzipped at step (8) of these instructions, select the file at examples\Sensor\PCF8563_SimpleTime\PCF8563_SimpleTime.ino
  12. Click the "Open" button.
    The "PCF8563_SimpleTime" sketch will open in a new Arduino IDE window.
  13. Change this line of the sketch:
    #include "SensorPCF8563.tpp"
    to this:
    #include "SensorPCF8563.hpp"
    The purpose of this change is to fix a bug made by the "LilyGO" developers.
  14. Select the "utilities.h" tab in the editor panel of the Arduino IDE window.
  15. Change this line:
    // #define LILYGO_TBeamS3_SUPREME_V3_0
    to this:
    #define LILYGO_TBeamS3_SUPREME_V3_0
  16. Select File > Preferences from the Arduino IDE menus.
    The "Preferences" dialog will open.
  17. Select Default from the "Compiler warnings" menu in the "Preferences" dialog.
    This is required because the sloppy low quality code written by the "LilyGO" developers would produce a compilation error at any higher warning level.
  18. Click the "OK" button.

Now try compiling that sketch that opened. This time it should compile successfully without any errors.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Thanks for your help! I cannot find a "utilities.h" tab.

It is essential that you follow this step exactly:

You must open the sketch from the folder you unzipped from the download. The sketch consists of multiple files so it won't work if you just grab the code from the page on GitHub.

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