TTL to serial input

I have a setup that outputs a logic 0 or 1. I want to pick up this signal with an arduino uno or mega and forward this signal via serial to a software package on the PC.

My question now is, do i need te RX/TX TTL ports to pick up this signal or is it good enough to just use a digital pin for the input and send it via the serial to the PC?

Which of these two ways will be faster? It has an sample rate of 220 Hz.

Thanks in advance

If you want be sure you read TTL logic properly you may need to activate pull-up resistor. 220Hz is so slow that is nearly impossible to write code that is not fast enough.

If your input devive is TTL compatible and it is NOT open collector, just connect it to one of your digital input pins.

If it is OPEN COLLECTOR you will need a resistor (internal PULL_UP might be OK?).

220Hz are no problem for an Arduino running at 16MHz.

If you get your code right, it should be running fine.

The serial port is for serial signals :wink: So unless your device uses 'normal' serial communications, the answer is no.

If the signal from your device is just an on off indication (1 or 0), use another pin to read it.

Oh wauw thanks for the quick responsen. I'll be taking a look at the pull-up resistor.