April 3, 2009, 3:39pm
Transistor Transistor Logic
I am planning in building a little laser project with an arduino, the module i'm getting is:
It is 5v and supports TTL on two wires and the other two wires are for ground and power it seems.
would i be able to control the module with the pwm pins on the arduino?
April 3, 2009, 3:41pm
Just saying 5V does not mean it's TTL. From the page: "Cons: The 5v input is AC not DC. This is only a con because it isn't obvious unless you look at the board closely and some may accidentally try 5v DC."
April 3, 2009, 3:46pm
say if i powered the laser module from:
can i use the arudino to send data to the other two wires of the laser module?
say if i powered the laser module from:
No this power supply will still give out DC you want AC.
can i use the arudino to send data to the other two wires of the laser module
Form the posts it look like you can blank it with the output of an Arduino.