The pictured 300mW unit probably is real and these days that is relatively "low" powered.
There are plenty of 100mW+ laser articles on Hack A Day.
The guy on Hack A Day that posted video of his Star Trek "Phasor" bursting balloons across the room states his 350mW blue laser diode only draws 450-500mW.
Some of the blue laser diodes from Blue Ray Burners push upwards of 1W!
But I'm not about to take my BDROM burner to bits to complete my RGB laser scanner!
(Yes, I stupidly bought a Blue Ray burner and I'm still the only person I know with one! BUT I can back up 25G or 50G, @ AUS$1/G, sigh)
That idiot Kip Kay from Make had a stupidly dangerous tutorial about putting blue laser diodes in Bic lighter casings AND lighting cigarettes right in front of his face, with no eye protection, but that's Kip Kay for ya!
I just bought a 10mW red laser diode and a 10mW green laser pointer, but I won't be operating that version of my laser "wobbler/scanner" indoors without a low power setting!
So far the most powerful laser diode I have is a 250mW and an older 100mW Infra-red module from laser printers.
The higher resolution the laser printer or bromide/film printer is, the higher the laser diode output is, probably because the scanning mirror is spinning faster.
The Linotronic 4000 dpi film printer I used to work with had a HUGE laser diode module, that one was rated at 500mW and it got really hot, especially when you printed out full A0 film or bromide.
I've used the infra red diodes behind diffusers, turned right down as "night shot" illumination for my Sony camcorder.
The upshot of all this is, they might not be safe or legal, but there a plenty of ridiculously high powered laser diodes and pointers for sale!