Turn my car lights on with RFID

Hi all
So i want to be able to have something like a key chain or something of the sort on my car keys so that if i am in range to my car, the lights will turn on.
I want to have it quite long range, around 6m so the passive tags are out.
I have done some reading about active RFID tags, but I'm still not quite clear on them, one post mentions that it is only the tag that changes, does this mean that I can use the MFRC522 and just look for an active tag for it?
If so, what even is the specifications I should be looking out for?

That looks like Rfid not what You want. Maye an RF transmitter in Your hand and a receiver in the car could work.

+2 for remote kefob style relay.

You can see the suggestions here: Searching for 3-6 m Range RFID or similar system - #4 by MarkT

How about having them turn on when it detects your phone?

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