Turn on LEDs at a specific days

Hello guys, I am trying to make a project where specific LEDs turn on at a specific date. I am using Arduino Nano with RTC module DS1307.
I would like to ask you if there is a better and cleaner way than a bunch of else if statements like I use:

 if(tm.Month == 6){
    if(tm.Day == 19){
  else if (tm.Month == 7){
    if(tm.Day == 1){
    else if (tm.Day == 5){
    else if (tm.Day == 11){
    else if (tm.Day == 15){
    else if (tm.Day == 25){
    else if (tm.Day == 29){

Glad for any help! :slight_smile:

Maybe you can use an and (&&) in the else if statement, so you can avoid the if...

You could have a table of times/dates, and a simple loop to examine.it.

@anon73444976 I made 4x 2D arrays and a function that goes through the arrays, but there is another problem that arose... I call the function four times always with different arguments in loop(). How do I avoid calling the functions every second (it seems quite demanding even tho the arrays are size of [7][3]? I am using a blinking LED so when I add delay, the LED also stops blinking :frowning: I would like to call the function every day or every two days because I am checking only day and month so I don't need to check every second

I would discard the DS1307 RTC module and use the DS3132. The latter has programmable alarms that could wake up your nano once a day for a single comparison, keeping the nano in deep sleep and ultra-low power the rest of the time.

Why do you care?

You could have a variable called prevDay and use it like this:

static byte prevDay = 99;
if(tm.Day != prevDay){
  //The day has changed, do stuff...
  prevDay = tm.Day;

but as already pointed out, there is no point avoiding execution of complex code unless you are saving CPU% or battery power or whatever for something else to use.

I don't know, it just felt wrong :smiley:
But I am glad to hear it's OK, thank you guys, and sorry for my noob questions, just starting to learn Arduino :smiley:

Another option:

int date = tm.Month * 100 + tm.Day;

  switch (date)
case 619: // May 19th
case 705: // June 5th

case 701: // June 1st
case 729: // June 29th

case 711: // June 11th
case 725: // June 25th

case 715: // June 15th

That's actually a pretty interesting and clever way of representing the day and month. Thank you for the suggestion :+1:

Why would "6" be May and "7" June...??

case 619: // May 19th
case 705: // June 5th

Off-by-one error.

Off-by-one error. I should have said June and July.

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hehehe....made me think for a minute or so though before I asked...... :thinking:

years ago had a teacher that used to do that just to see if we were awake..... :sweat_smile:

There is a TimeAlarms library which goes with (I think) the Time library. It can do all sorts of stuff and might be useful here.

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