Hi I have a problem in Arduino programming. as the title suggest I want to be able to convert multiple ascii representation into a single vairable so that i could used that variable in my gsm module to text it what that certain variable shows. Plss I need help in this
Here is my sample code:
for (int i= 0; i < rx.getDataLength(); i++){
Serial.write(' ');
if (iscntrl(rx.getData()[i]))
Serial.write(' ');
Serial.write(' ');
from the code I clearly got a data wirelessly from an xbee transmitter, the problem is its output is all in Hexadecimal and ascii representation using the for loop to obtain the data, I do not know how to convert this result into a variable so that I could use it in my output in this case in my gsm module to text that certain data to my subscribers plss I need help in this
avoid images of screen dumps
could you upload the serial monitor output as text ?
of the sample output what value do you wish to extract into a variable
Received Data:
43 72 69 74 69 63 61 6C 21 20 4E 6F 64 65 20 31 3A 20 38 37
C r i t i c a l ! N o d e 1 : 62 Setting the GSM in text mode
Of the sample Output I just wanted to extract Critical ! Node 1: 62 which I believe was obtain using the for loop code shown above. Convert this into a variable or a string so that I could use it in my gsm Module.