Turning on hackHD and recording with it using Arduino

I am new to the arduino and have been playing around with some of the simple codes like Blink and some of the others. I have written a few simple ones and am working on a pretty complex one... I have the Arduino UNO and am trying to us it to read a PIR sensor, light an led when it senses movement and use a photocell to detect if its day or night (if it's night then it will turn on a few IR LED's). So far I have figured out how to program the arduino to do all the above!! :stuck_out_tongue: I am going to hook up a hackHD to the project yet and I have figured out how to put that on standby mode so it boots up quicker. The problem I am running into is what code to write to start recording with the camera. I want it to start recording as soon as the PIR senses movement. If I understand the hackHD correct all it takes is engauging the shutter/button a fraction of a second. It sounds simple but I'm stumped! Please help! Thanks and if you need more info I'll try to give it to you but remember that I am a beginner! :~


The "shutter" button connects between screw terminal 3 (Switch/Button) and screw terminal 5 (Ground). From this we can deduce that terminal 3 has a pull-up resistor to bias it to Vcc and it is activated by pulling it to Ground.

The instruction manual implies that you can connect +5V to the camera but that may be the +3.7V input only. A safe way to 'press' the button is to connect it to an INPUT on the Arduino and change that INPUT to an OUTPUT to pull the line LOW.

const int ShutterButtonPin = 9;

void setup() {
    pinMode(ShutterButtonPin. INPUT);

void loop() {
    // Activate the camera:
    pinMode(ShutterButtonPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ShutterButtonPin, INPUT);

   // wait 10 seconds

Thanks I will try this later this eve!!

I have tried this and still cant get it to work... :frowning: what next?

I figured it out!! :slight_smile: great feeling 8)

I have a hackhd, its just like turning an led off and back on again to activate the button press. great camera

Hi everyone,

I am new to Arduino and I just bought a HackHD camera. Can someone explain me how to connect it to Arduino please? Many thanks.