I'm contemplating building an indoor antenna rotator control via the TV's IR remote. I would like some help on the mechanics of the system.
Stepper Motor w/ gearbox assembly
Is a stepper motor the best option for this? Basically, I want to use one button on the IR remote to rotate left, and another button to rotate right. The user can see the antenna, so there's not much need for feedback as such. With each button push, I want to rotate the antenna 15 or so degrees. And it can rotate slowly. I'll have to find some way to preventing the user from rotating around and around.
The antenna can mount onto a post, and I guess the post can sit right on top of the antenna. If I use 3 feet of PVC pipe plus the antenna, the whole thing weights about 2 lbs. Sit the 2 lbs load on top of a wheel mounted to a stepper motor, then mount the whole thing behind the TV.
Can someone recommend a stepper motor and control board that I can control using the arduino? I'm hoping to find a stepper motor that comes with a 2" or so diameter wheel to mounts right on axle. I'm not very mechanical, and that's the easiest thing I can think of to mount the PVC post on top of.
I'm contemplating building an indoor antenna rotator control via the TV's IR remote. I would like some help on the mechanics of the system.
Stepper Motor w/ gearbox assembly
Is a stepper motor the best option for this? Basically, I want to use one button on the IR remote to rotate left, and another button to rotate right. The user can see the antenna, so there's not much need for feedback as such. With each button push, I want to rotate the antenna 15 or so degrees. And it can rotate slowly. I'll have to find some way to preventing the user from rotating around and around.
Limit switches?
The antenna can mount onto a post, and I guess the post can sit right on top of the antenna. If I use 3 feet of PVC pipe
What inside diameter is the pipe?
plus the antenna, the whole thing weights about 2 lbs. Sit the 2 lbs load on top of a wheel mounted to a stepper motor, then mount the whole thing behind the TV.
Can someone recommend a stepper motor and control board that I can control using the arduino? I'm hoping to find a stepper motor that comes with a 2" or so diameter wheel to mounts right on axle. I'm not very mechanical, and that's the easiest thing I can think of to mount the PVC post on top of.
What are you going to fix the stationary part of the stepper motor to? How are you going to stop the whole thing from tipping over? It doesn't sound very stable.
I don't know where the OP wants to watch TV. In the UK this website will give the compass bearing to the different transmitters. Works very well. http://www.ukfree.tv/txlist.php
there are complete units, gear box, motor, switches, everything. brackets to mount on the pipe for the mount and brackets to hold the antenna pipe. one complete unit.
works a lot like a servo.
complete unit will be less than $100. waterproof and all.
looking on amazon, less than $100 and comes with the power supply and inside control box.
a stepper motor would be a good choice. I would design the unit to work with a worm gear, and the worm to be driven from a belt drive with the stepper for more gear reduction.
you can buy a worm and a gear on amazon. typically used for a garage door opener.
a NEMA-23 stepper, double or tripe stack, should be almost as large as a can of soda.
a note about terminology. the controller is the Arduino.
the driver is the power board that drives the motor.
the driver board does not control and is not a controller.
if you want to make your own worm gear, google telescope worm gear and you will find a couple how-to's on making a worm gear. one suggestion is to use ACME thread as the square thread will have more purchase on the gear when spinning.
alas, since you said you are not very mechanical, this creating a gear box and all will take a lot of work for a person who is really good in mechanics and has the lathe and mill to do this work.
I don't know where the OP wants to watch TV. In the UK this website will give the compass bearing to the different transmitters. Works very well. http://www.ukfree.tv/txlist.php
Maybe he lives in Luxembourg and wants to receive signals from all the surrounding countries, as well as RTL.
a stepper motor would be a good choice. I would design the unit to work with a worm gear, and the worm to be driven from a belt drive with the stepper for more gear reduction.
Thanks for the suggestions all.
I've been playing around with a stepper motor and driver controlled via an arduino. It's got a built in gear box, so the output shaft is actually pretty slow, perfect for rotating an antenna.