tweet photos with Uno

i ve got a Uno R3 and the OV7670 camera module
SD Module and a Wifi shield .
i succesfully tweeted with arduino using twitter library on Arduino Playground Arduino Playground - Twitter Library
Is there any arduino library to post images in a tweet?
or maybe some other hack?


is there a way to get the image byte stream from ov7670 module ?

then im better off using an IP camera

if you tweet a picture of your shoes they'll be long out of style by the time anyone sees it.

Got to go find the Windex to clean up the tea I splattered all over the monitor when I read that.

Got to go find the Windex to clean up the tea I splattered all over the monitor when I read that.

at least you didnt spill on the Mega on your desk
saved yourself from a burnt chip