TWI as Slave Write Issue

I'm not sure what the main intention of using write during a twi request in the onReuqest function is, but if I do several writes, only the data of the last write is send to the master.


char buf[4];
void requestEvent()
  Wire.write(0xFE);  // skipped
  Wire.write(0x32);  // skipped
  Wire.write(buf, sizeof(buf));  // only this will be send

If you look in the source code of the wire/twi library you find that write calls twi_transmit(data, size).
A close up view at this function shows the problem:

uint8_t twi_transmit(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t length)
  uint8_t i;

  // ensure data will fit into buffer
  if(TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH < length){
    return 1;
  // ensure we are currently a slave transmitter
  if(TWI_STX != twi_state){
    return 2;
  // set length and copy data into tx buffer
  twi_txBufferLength = length;
  for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){
    twi_txBuffer[i] = data[i];
  return 0;

-> The function overwrites every call the transmit buffer (standard length 32Bytes).
Maybe it will be better to change the function to append data to the buffer which submitted by write.
I think there shouldn't be any errors, because the TransmitIndex and TransmitLen is reseted before the event call.

I change the function to the following and it seems to work fine:

uint8_t twi_transmit(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t length)
  uint8_t i, t;

  // ensure data will fit into buffer
  if(TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH < twi_txBufferLength+length){
    return 1;
  // ensure we are currently a slave transmitter
  if(TWI_STX != twi_state){
    return 2;
  // set length and copy data into tx buffer
  t = twi_txBufferLength;
  twi_txBufferLength += length;
  for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){
    twi_txBuffer[t+i] = data[i];
  return 0;

Did I missed something?
What do you think?

In the onRequest handler, only one Wire.write may be used.
I don't know if that is written somewhere, but its a fact.
You have to build an array with data in the onRequest handler.

It would be great if your changes are okay.
The Wire.write can be used anywhere in any situation. I don't know if it can be changed while maintaining the compatibility.

I have a problem with Master-receiver myself,

I opened an issue on Github for this, I2C/Wire library: Allow multiple Wire.write in Slave onRequest handler. · Issue #1475 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub

In the onRequest handler, only one Wire.write may be used.
I don't know if that is written somewhere, but its a fact.
You have to build an array with data in the onRequest handler.

It would be great if your changes are okay.
The Wire.write can be used anywhere in any situation. I don't know if it can be changed while maintaining the compatibility.

I have a problem with Master-receiver myself, Arduino as I2C Slave returns sometimes 0 bytes instead of 4. - Networking, Protocols, and Devices - Arduino Forum

Got Caught with this. I can find no excuse for why this behavior is not documented or repaired.

The repair is simple, and I cannot find any incompatibilities with existing code.

Does anyone have justifications for not repairing it?


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