Twin Turbo Controller

Hi guys,

Im a relative newbie to this, but after reading through some other projects, im pretty sure this device is more than capable of doing what I want..

To put it simply im wanting to regulate a pressure ratio using a n75vac solenoid...

In reality, what I have is a twin turbo setup, (one large wg turbo, and one smaller vnt turbo), now final boost levels will be set by the larger wg turbo manually as before, but the VNT needs to be held at a set pressure ratio, rather than final output pressure, this means that it wont overboost while waiting for the big one to come in (turbos are setup in compound), and will operate in its PEAK range by always being its the peak pressure ratio...obviously this is simple done by opening / closing the vanes by using a vac can connected to a n75 valve controlled by the arduino....

So what we have is a map (pressure) sensor pre and post turbo, and i need the arduino to read both values, and adjust the the n75 valve to hold the pressure difference within a set pressure ratio (or as close as possible)...

Will this be possible, and is there any programs that already do something similer that could be adapted?

In the long run it would be nice to be able to adapt it to display the output position on a small lcd / be able to change the ratio on the fly, but this isnt essential at this stage...



Sounds very clever and I'd be interested to see it working.

I don't see why you couldn't get it working with Arduino as the controller, if you can get the sensors and output drivers connected OK - and what you need there all seems doable.

It feels as if there out to be a mechanical solution using a double sided diaphragm of some sort. Haven't quite got my head around yet, but I'm trying to envisage something part way between a fuel pressure regulator with manifold reference, and a brake proportioning valve iyswim. I guess the microcontroller version might end up being easier to understand, even if it takes more technology to make it work. :slight_smile: