Two analog input simultaneously not working

How can one input two or more analog sensors simultaneously?

I defined analog input 1 for a variable resistor, but it works as well if I connect input to any of the 6 analog inputs.

Then I think something is wrong here. What will happen when I connect two analog inputs simultaneously, to different input pins?

Any comments are welcome.


Unconnected inputs are likely to pick up stray signals or react to the movements of your hand, magnets or the phase of the moon.

Once you have actually connected two inputs to real signals, then you won't see the same kind of wandering analog values on those two pins.

Halley is right.
Analog Inputs are sensible, and will show oscillating values if not connected. This canĀ“t cause problems if the pins are not described/included as input in your sketch. But you can stabilize pin values just connecting pull up or pull down resistors to them.

Ok, I see, thank you for the answers.