Hi guys,
I am about to start sound installation project where visitors will be interacting with sound by touching various objects in the workplace. 20 different sounds needs to be triggered in few different rooms.
My aim is to make it as simple as possible but also diverse enough to be interesting for the audience. I want them to interact with the sounds in different ways.
I don't know the size of the space yet. I am thinking of using two Arduinos for it, connected to two computers running max/msp and Maxuino.
Each Arduino would have few buttons connected to the digital ins (for sensing moving objects like books, files) and pressure sensors to analog ins. I would like to use them for sensing door opening for example. Two cameras with built in mic for motion or colour tracking that will be done in max, same for mic input.
Am I right thinking there is no point of going with Xbee for this project? Is it really time consuming and hard to set up? I guess I wouldn't need more then 2 Arduinos to use 20 sensors with would I? I am concerned about the processor or memory size, will it handle all that?. I'm not very experienced with coding which doesn't help. I am happy with max thats why I think maxuino is easiest option. I can use camera to trigger few sounds, do it all in max, same with mic level input.
So far I came up with setup like this:
2x arduinos
4x pressure sensors/piezo mics
10x buttons
2x camera with mic (Sony Eye webcam)
I was thinking of using IR emitter acting as a remote for hifi cd player. Is it feasible to do? Might be neater then using PC.
I'm not sure which buttons would be best to use, to put under book for example, if someone lifts the book it would trigger the sound. Same for pressure sensors and door. What is the maximum length of cable that connects lets say button to arduino? 5m usb cable that goes from Arduino to PC might be not long enough for the space?
I would really appreciate your advice on it.
My budget is around £200 it would have to cover arduinos, sensors, cameras, cables. I have few speakers, two amps, audio interfaces and 3 pcs to use.
Cheers for your help,