I've been working with a Mega where I've had the luxury of more serial ports than I need. I'm thinking of downgrading to Arduino Uno or even a mini-pro just to save space and free up my mega for new projects.
My question is this, so far I've been using two ports, one for displaying stuff to to the screen (serial.print() etc) and one for reading in data from a GPS module. Do I really need two ports? The GPS module just vomits out data continuously, I never write to it, I only ever read. The other port is used only for writing to the screen. Is there anything stopping me from splitting the port? just connecting the GPS tx line to the arduino rx line, and leaving the arduino tx line free for writing?
Secondly, I know the serial port is used when uploading sketches to the board, if I connect my GPS module to this port, is the fact that it tends to continuously spew data even without being asked going to effect the arduino during a sketch upload?