Two direction, high voltage motors on Arduino

Hey, I am new to Arduino Uno. I have worked with it for 4 months now in a technology class and we are two weeks away and I need to quickly finish. I need a setup where I can run two motors with a Bluetooth module. I have an Arduino Uno, a HC-06 Bluetooth module, and a motor driver. We have gotten two dc motors running the same direction with delays but could not adjust to direction. Even when we tried to use our higher voltage motors one way, they would not work, and then the Arduino would stop. I am also new to coding, but I know a little coding. Any help or tips would greatly help me a lot. Thanks.

I don't know

What motor driver are you using? Is it an H-bridge? You'll need that to reverse the motors.

I have a question for me. How fast is the blu-tooth board? Does it come with an app for the computer (hand held device) end?

Need to see your code and a link to the motor drivers.

Anthony and Outsider,
I am working with Tfirmin on this project.
Our Bluetooth board has a baud rate of 9600 on Arduino. It comes with an app on a hand held device called ArdumotiveBT_v2 which we use on his Samsung. We are using code off instructables for the dc motors, but we will need a way to up the voltage use, so that we can use our own motors. Below I have attached the link. Also, the motor driver is called a L293D, and is a dual h- bridge motor driver. Our motors are dromida 22T brushed motors.

The datasheet for the L293D says it can handle 36V. The board it's on may not take this voltage. How much voltage do you need?

I can't find a datasheet for the motor in the top 5 Google hits. It seems like it's a replacement motor for a specific RC car and you're not supposed to know what voltage that particular car runs on. I'm guessing it's 7.4V but that's not a good way to specify a motor. Amps is also a guess - I'd say this thing could use at least 3A, maybe 10A.

Are you having trouble getting a 7.4V power supply at an appropriate current? Do you have a battery? This thing is going to suck some serious amps, I doubt that the L293D is going to handle it.

Our problem is that even when we put the two motors directly on a 9V, we could only get one to run. The motor we bought was somewhat cheap, and we can get one of them working on the circut, but the second motor stops the Arduino, and we need someway to get both running at the same time, without breaking the Arduino. We really don't have time to buy a shield, but even just a little progress would help.

even when we put the two motors directly on a 9V, we could only get one to run

On a 9V what? 9V radio battery? Forget it, they don't do motors, that's way beyond their current range.

Mark, thank you for the help, I guess we're pretty screwed.

You need the right ESC for those RC motors, they are extremely high current compared
to standard small motors. Then you control the ESC with the Servo library, and a suitable
LiPo pack to power the ESCs/motors.