two external interrupts

I have always used NewSoftserial with VirtualWire or Easytransfer to send data from a remote control.

The remote goes to sleep after sending, and is woken by interrupt 0 being pulled low from any of the push buttons.

I now have managed to get the cheap but impressive RFM22 wireless transceiver working, ( very much monkey see monkey do approach using library examples ) but the examples in the RFM22 library also use interrupt 0.

I can't see if the interrupt in the RFM22 is used at all in transmitting ( I am only using it simplex for this project ) if not can I just ignore it?

If needed, can I put one of them on interrupt 1 ? I can't see them clashing, as the transmit function cannot happen until the wake up routine ( which disconnects the interrupt until ready for sleep ) has been and gone.

Similarly, I only put the unit back to sleep after the transmission has gone out.

Would it make any difference which I swapped to Interrupt 1 ?

OK after RTFM again, I see the library says that the interrupt is used to signal end of transmission, and that " it is very important if there is another SPI based device, to disable interrupts while transferring to from the other device. Use cli() to disable interrupts and sei() to re-enable them.

I can globally clear them, but I need them for the other device ?

Don't see why not, just wire the signal to arduino pin 3 and edit the attachInterrupt(interrupt, function, mode) statement. You might scan the library code to see if they use any detachInterrupt(interrupt) statements and edit them also if found.


Thanks Lefty, I will give it a try and see, I havn't got the TX connected yet, still trying the LCDdisplay, but want to allocate the pins before I paint myself into the usual corner !