Two, independetly powerable, Mega 2560 Pro Mini

Can two Arduino Mega 2560 Pro Mini (Embedded) boards be configured on one PCB to be independently switched on in a system to manage one of two independently programmed firmware to operate?

I other words: only one of the two MEGA Pro powers-up, each programmed differently, so the operation of each is unique.

If so, any pointers to how the two, independently powerable boards, may be configured will be helpful.

I don't see why not.

You need some sort of switch that sends power to board 1 or board 2 or both.

May I ask what is the point of this?

Are you trying to tie the pins of the two devices together, such that each may control the same hardware when powered? If so, then no, that won't work.

You could execute two 'different programs' on the same board, you could use a pin to select between the two ( if this is what you are looking for )

Thank you David. This seems the most promising. I'll try till and report back to this forum, if solved.

You're right : "tie the pins of the two devices together, such that each may control the same hardware when powered" is not the most elegant - throws up a lot of issues. "davidefa" solution is what I'll be exploring. Two "selectable" programs, each handling the hardware as desired. Thank you for your input.

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Hi, the point is to control the same/identical hardware in essence but managed by different functions in firmware. Toggling a pin state through a DPDT switch managing two programs may be the answer as suggested by "davidefa". I'll try this and report here if successful.

That is what you want to do.
My question is why you want to do it?

So I would expect you had some sort of application where you thought that doing this was a viable solution. So what was this?

It is not only inelegant it totally ignore the way electronics works.

This method will cause latch up which can cause a need for a power cycle and at the worst can destroy your components. Start your self education here:-
Latch up

So why does this have to involve two processors?

You simply need one processor with a switch to select between two sections of code. That way you will make fewer mistakes that could damage your hardware.

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Hello Mike, Your comments are all valid; having realised that the Mega Pro mini (embed) can have two separate programs and I can toggle between them is sufficient to try that out. As soon as I've achieved what I'm trying, I'll report back in this forum. Best, Neel

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