two module arduino can send data to smartphone??

I should do :

  1. App on smartphone waits a signal from the first device Arduino (with bluetooth device)

  2. When the smartphone app receives a signal disconnects the first Arduino and connects the second arduino and waits for a signal.. when receives it resets the project at the beginning

I'm trying to do this with the inventor app 2 software but no results, maybe because I have no experience

the alternative would:

just an Arduino communicates with your smartphone..

the second Arduino Arduino sends a signal to the first that replicates the signal to your smartphone ... but how much time would pass?

I hope someone can give me some help. thank you

I'm trying to do this with the inventor app 2 software but no results

I find it hard to believe that the software you did not post produces NO results. I would find it easy to believe that it did not produce the results that you wanted.

If you want more than sympathy, you need to post the code and say what it actually does, and how that differs from what you want.

You might also describe what you are trying to accomplish instead of talking about how you think you should accomplish it.