Two way communication between ardunio's

Hi! So i'm having quite a few issues with a particular part of my project.

So I have two ardunio boards, an Uno (embedded in the romeo control board by DFrobot) and a Mega2650.

I'm trying to send and receive some variables between them. All the variables are integers between 0-255. I'm not an expert and would like something simple and easy to implement into my code. I have already attempted to use Easy Transfer however after a few days of fiddling it is still not working on my system.

So all i need is an way of transferring multiple integer variables over serial. Im not afraid to use I2C however I am very inexperienced with it and already have a ultrasonic sensor setup and working on it, and would rather not tamper with something that is working perfectly.

Thanks for any help!

The examples in Serial Input Basics would be suitable. The 3rd example will be most reliable.

It will be easy to make the sending Arduino match the expected format.


^As again agree with the above (damn he gets in there fast!).

Look at SoftwareSerial library (included in Arduino pre-installed usually).

I got a perfect lib from chucktodd which works great, feat. transmission control and reuptake of transmission after a break - hope it would be useful to you, too!
(@Chuck, thanks again, great work!)