Type of 10-pin JTAG header of Arduino Due

I ordered a Segger SAM-ICE JTAG for my SAM3X-EK. I was thinking to use it also to do some debugging in my Arduino Due but the SAM-ICE has a standard 20-pin JTAG header and due has a 10-pin JTAG connector. Somebody knows the type of this header of Due? Thanks.

The Due probably uses SWD rather than JTAG, as do most Cortex systems:


If that is the case, you will need an SWD adapter, and will need to select SWD when debugging your application.

I found a low cost source of 20pin to 10pin 0.05" JTAG connectors.
Olimex ARM-JTAG-20-10 = US$7.00 The MicroController and Embedded System Store -
from microcontrollershop.com and it has worked for me with the Atmel SAM-ICE
The JTAG 2x5 0.05" connector does hit another connector SIL 0.1" called Debug - but it can be pressed in and does work for me.
The JTAG isn't keyed and I have the cable direction as coming away from the board.