Tried searching for a thread on this, but I found none. So I'm posting it here. I hope there's a forum topic to centralize typos and errors found on the website.
I'm not sure who the webmaster is for the website, but I believe their is a mistake in the tutorials section. In both of the I2C tutorials in the "Learning" section the tutorials refer to pin 4 as the SCL or Clock pin, but the "Hardware" section states that pin 4 is the SDA pin. I believe that the two pin descriptions may have been unintentionally switched in the tutorials. I realize that this doesn't make much difference in the setup shown, but I spent a number of hours in confusion because I was using an Arduino UNO and an Arduino Mega, which has a different pin layout. This reversing of the pins was preventing me from using the I2C bus properly. Just thought the person in charge of the tutorials might want to check that out.
Yes, their spelling was initially incorrect, but "Analog" is also considered to be incorrect in certain parts of the world. "Analogue" is the correct way to spell the word, but I can see that I am about to spark a "US versus the rest of the world spelling bee" war.