Uart configuration on ArduinoDue

Hi there,

As a newbies on Arduino world, I have a question about how to use/configure more than one Uart on ArduinoDue.

In fact we want to use another serial than the serial0 (rx/tx0), for example serial3 (rx/tx3).

In the library we just have one declaration available (?): Serial.Begin(9600) that seems to stand for serial0 (rx/tx0) if I have undertound the library.

Then how to declare an other Uart on the right port (serial3)?

Thanks a lot and best regard.

I don't know about the Due; on a Mega, it would simply be something like Serial1.begin(somebaudrate).

By the way, your question might fit better in the Arduino Due section.

There is a clear reference page for it :wink:

So sterretje is right :slight_smile:

By the way, your question might fit better in the Arduino Due section.

Thread moved to its new home.