I'm trying to run a NEMA17 stepper motor at a low constant speed and need maximum torque from the stepper engine. Currently, the stepper motor is running with the wanted rpm, however, it seems that the serial connection (UART) is not established since spreadCycle and the defined microstep are ignored.
The connections between the TMC2208 v3.0 and Arduino Nano are as follows (in respective order):
VI0 to 5V
OB2, OB1, OA1, OA2 to stepper motor
GND and VM to 20V external power supply
DIR to D5
STEP to D2
PDN/UART split into two where 1k resistor is added before TX and the other to RX
The jumper on the driver board is soldered to enable the UART communication (According to the datasheet of the driver board)
The code in Arduino IDE is as follows:
// Defining
#define StepPin 2
#define DirPin 5
#define SERIAL_PORT Serial
#define InvertDir HIGH
#define Current 1200
#define MicroStep 16
#define R_Sense 0.11
// Including library
#include <TMC2208Stepper.h> // Include library
TMC2208Stepper driver = TMC2208Stepper(&Serial, R_Sense); // Create driver and use
// Setup
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Init used serial port
while(!Serial); // Wait for port to be ready
// Prepare pins
pinMode(DirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(StepPin, OUTPUT);
driver.pdn_disable(1); // Use PDN/UART pin for communication
driver.I_scale_analog(0); // Adjust current from the registers
driver.rms_current(Current); // Set driver current 500mA
driver.toff(0x2); // Enable driver
digitalWrite(DirPin, InvertDir); // Invert direction
// Looping
void loop() {
digitalWrite(StepPin, !digitalRead(StepPin)); // Step
I strongly suspect that there is something in the code that I'm missing since I don't have great knowledge of Arduino coding.
I've looked everywhere on different forums, videos and library documentation, but it doesn't seem to work. Please, if you have any comments that might be helpful, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for your input!
However, it didn't change. It was like the serial connection was not established. The rotational direction was also ignored.
I did a lot of different stuff, mostly trial and error, and found a solution in the end. If I disconnect the RX connection, then it works completely fine. I have no idea why. But here is the code which is working for me:
// Defining
#define StepPin 2
#define RX_PIN 0
#define TX_PIN 1
#define Current 1200
#define MicroStep 0 // 0: Native 256 microstep setting.
// 1: 128 microsteps per full step.
// 2: 64 microsteps per full step.
// 3: 32 microsteps per full step.
// 4: 16 microsteps per full step.
// 5: 8 microsteps per full step.
// 6: 4 microsteps per full step.
// 7: 2 microsteps per full step.
// 8: Full step.
// Including library
#include <TMC2208Stepper.h> // Include library
TMC2208Stepper driver = TMC2208Stepper(RX_PIN, TX_PIN); // Create driver and use
// Setup
void setup() {
// Prepare pins
pinMode(StepPin, OUTPUT);
driver.pdn_disable(1); // Use PDN/UART pin for communication
driver.I_scale_analog(0); // Adjust current from the registers
driver.rms_current(Current); // Set driver current
driver.toff(5); // Enable driver
driver.en_spreadCycle(0); // 1: spreadCycle
// 0: stealthChop
driver.pwm_autoscale(1); // 1: if stealthChop is chosen. Otherwise 0
// Looping
void loop() {
digitalWrite(StepPin, !digitalRead(StepPin)); // Step
One possibility is that you got the dual wire Y connection wrong, or somehow, depending on the different input impedances, the Tx signal goes preferentially into the Arduino Rx and not the 2208 one wire uart.
I'll definitely look into that, thanks!
However, is it a problem running with the RX disconnected? As described, it is only running a single stepper motor at a constant speed
If you are not receiving information from the 2208 (like stall guard readings) there's no issue.
For simple stepper operation, running with the current set by the pot, microsteps set by the pins, and stepper control by the Arduino, there may not be an advantage for the uart connection.
Is there there a reason to be using more than 1/16 microsteps? It's not clear to me what advanced functions you are using which are available from the uart and not in default step/dir mode?
I understand your question.
The setup is used to drive a drum in a coffee roasting setup I've built. The plan is that the maximum capacity is a batch of 500g beans. For this, I need high torque from the stepper motor. In the code provided, I've not toggled in the setting such as spreadCycle or microsteps, which I think is contributing to the torque? In short, I wanted to be able to alternate these settings, since it might the necessary to rotate the drum with 500g beans. However, I'm still in the building phase of the coffee roaster
I hope this make sense
Please don't tell us you are using the stepper motor as one of the end bearings for the drum! You already know how many rpm is needed by the drum, so use a belt and pulley system to reduce the motor speed and increase the torque on the drum.