Hallo dear people!
Following problem:
I have an Sainsmart UNO and UartSBee COM-Adapter, I also have an AVRISPMKII.
This is my connection:
RTS --> Capacitor(100nF)-->RESET
I have managed to burn bootloader of Duemilanove (This board ist using FTDI just like the UartSBee).
Now I upload first time the code and this is working! But If I do this second time I get the famous "programmer not responding" error. I have to upload the bootloader again. After uploading I can again upload only one time any code.
Just before I had problems because I connected DTR Pin to RESET, now after some reading in forums I found I have to connect to the RTS Pin. There is difference. I take multimeter and see that DTR pin not going low after I click the upload button but RTS Pin does. On second upload the RTS is also not going low.
How to solve this?
Is it false capacitor? Overwritten bootloader?
Thank you!