'Ub' was not declared in this scope

In this program Voltmeter Ua is working ok after adding Voltmeter Ub
I have an error = 'Ub' was not declared in this scope .
What I doing wrong ?

#include "EmonLib.h"
EnergyMonitor emon1Ub;
const int numReadings  = 10;
int readings [numReadings];
int readIndex  = 0;
long total  = 0;
int Vala  = 0;
const int numReadingsb  = 10;
int readingsb [numReadingsb];
int readIndexb  = 0;
long totalb  = 0;
int Valb  = 0;
void setup() {
  emon1Ub.current(PA2, 1000);  // Ux ornge
void loop() {
  double Ub = emon1Ub.calcIrms(5);

  readAnalogSmootha();   // Ua
  Smoothb();             // Ub
  Serial.print(" Avala = "); Serial.print(Vala);
  Serial.print(" Aavga = "); Serial.print(smootha());
  // Serial.print(" Avalb = "); Serial.print(Valb);
  //Serial.print(" Aavgb = "); Serial.println(smoothb());
  Serial.print(" Ub = "); Serial.print(Ub);
  Serial.print(" Aavgb = "); Serial.println(smoothb());
void readAnalogSmootha( ) { /* function readAnalogSmooth */

  Vala = analogRead(PA1);

long smootha() { /* function smooth */
  long averagea;
  total = total - readings[readIndex];
  readings[readIndex] = Vala;
  total = total + readings[readIndex];
  readIndex = readIndex + 1;
  if (readIndex >= numReadings) {
    readIndex = 0;
  averagea = total / numReadings;
  return averagea;
// Ub
//void readAnalogSmoothb( ) { /* function readAnalogSmooth */
void Smoothb( ) {
  // Valb = analogRead(PA2);
  Valb = Ub;

long smoothb() { /* function smooth */
  long averageb;
  totalb = totalb - readingsb[readIndexb];
  readingsb[readIndexb] = Valb;
  totalb = totalb + readingsb[readIndexb];
  readIndexb = readIndexb + 1;
  if (readIndexb >= numReadingsb) {
    readIndexb = 0;
  averageb = totalb / numReadingsb;
  return averageb;

Make Ub a global

it's time to read about scope

Thanks, it is working.

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