Ublox NEO 6M GPS module question

I am currently working on a project which requires time as precise as possible. I'm thinking of using a NEO 6M GPS module, but I cannot seem to find how precise time measurement can be on this module - seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds. Is it possbile to get the nanoseconds?

Thank you in advance,


The rising edge of the PPS signal from a GPS with a fix lock is accurate to uS, not sure of the exact figure.

GPSs dont put out UTC time, so the hours, mins, seconds can be a few seconds out until the leap seconds is updated, this can take up to 12.5 minutes from GPS power on under good signal conditions.

GPSs dont put out UTC time

Absolutely false.

Check out the GPRMC sentence (NEO-6M Documentation):

And the Ublox manuals say the same about GPGGA.

The manuals are correct, but only when the GPS knows the current value of leap seconds.

GPS time as used by the satellite constellation is based on the time in 1980, to get to current UTC time you have to add to GPS time the current value of leap seconds.

How does the GPS know the current value of leap seconds ?