Ublox on serial nano v3 running mwc 2.4 not working

Hello everyone, I'm building my first drone using nano v3 as fc , chinese 3 axis mpu-6050 acc and Ublox gps.

Acc on i2c works perfectly, but gps is a problem. I tried to switch rx, tx pins, tried to change gps serial pin code, baud rate and protocol to nmea. Nothing helped. I know that usb is sharing serial pins, but when gps is connected led blinks every second (showing some reception). I doesn't have any display ,only led's to show activity.

Gps works perf on a micro minimosd as ublox type. Has anyone encountered same problem? Thanks.

Gps link: (when I purchashed it , descriprion said it was ublox)
GPS Module with Ceramic Antenna GPS Receiver TTL9600 for APM PIX PX4 CC3D Naze32 F3

Acc on i2c works perfectly, but gps is a problem. I tried to switch rx, tx pins, tried to change gps serial pin code, baud rate and protocol to nmea. Nothing helped. I know that usb is sharing serial pins, but when gps is connected led blinks every second (showing some reception). I doesn't have any display ,only led's to show activity.

We cannot help you without knowing your wiring and how you programmed it. So post a wiring diagram and the complete sketch (don't forget the code tags, that's the </> button in the editor).

My wild guess: You receive the data but you cannot see it on the controlling PC because it uses the same serial hardware but with swapped signal (so the Nano is receiving data on the same pin as it receives data from the PC).

  /***********************                  GPS                **************************/

    /* ENable this for using GPS simulator (NMEA only)*/
    //#define GPS_SIMULATOR

    /* GPS using a SERIAL port
       if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed
       note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii
       in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices)
       at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino */
    //#define GPS_SERIAL 0         // should be 2 for flyduino v2. It's the serial port number on arduino MEGA
                                   // must be 0 for PRO_MINI (ex GPS_PRO_MINI)
                                   // note: Now a GPS can share MSP on the same port. The only constrain is to not use it simultaneously, and use the same port speed.

    // avoid using 115200 baud because with 16MHz arduino the 115200 baudrate have more than 2% speed error (57600 have 0.8% error)
    #define GPS_BAUD   57600       // GPS_BAUD will override SERIALx_COM_SPEED for the selected port

   /* GPS protocol 
       NMEA  - Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC  sentences are needed
       UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config.ublox.txt) from the source tree 
       MTK_BINARY16 and MTK_BINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9)
       With UBLOX and MTK_BINARY you don't have to use GPS_FILTERING in multiwii code !!! */

    //#define NMEA
    #define UBLOX
    //#define MTK_BINARY16
    //#define MTK_BINARY19
    //#define INIT_MTK_GPS        // initialize MTK GPS for using selected speed, 5Hz update rate and GGA & RMC sentence or binary settings

Tx from gps is on nano's rx pin and rx from gps is on tx nano pin.

I know that I can't connect arduino to pc by usb because of gps already using it.

But I used this line :
#define ONLY_ALLOW_ARM_WITH_GPS_3DFIX // Only allow FC arming if GPS has a 3D fix.

Placed it outside for 15 mins, multiple times connecting and disconecting, got some fast led blinking, changed baud rates, switched tx rx pins... Nothing helped. Acc on i2c works without any errors, can't arm without 3d fix ,that means that gps isn't comunicating with nano. Yap.

Is there any way to use software serial with it?

Sorry if my english is bad haha.

Tx from gps is on nano's rx pin and rx from gps is on tx nano pin.

Interface:UART Serial TTL 3.3V Level

That GPS module is may be fried. The Nano runs all it's pins on 5V but the GPS module most not have signal level above 3.3V. You may need a new GPS module and you definitely need a level converter.

The small excerpt you posted is not your code but a few precompiler definitions a lot of comments. Do you want to waste our time? What of "post your complete sketch" didn't you undestand?

No, it runs now, figured it out.

Connected gps to ftdi and ublox center, it only supports 9600 baud rate and NMEA protocol, you just need tx pin from it. It's running ublox 7 firmware v1.00, tried to flash v1.01 but noup. It uses 3.3v and 5v also.

Thanks for helping!