Ubuntu 7.10 / Diecimilia - can't select port FIX

Evening all,

I've just spent a couple of hours trying to get the arduino ide working on ubuntu.

Went through the instructions at ladyada.net (lesson0-lin.html), uninstalled brltty, had the message "FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0", got the java app to compile code ok but still I couldn't transfer a compiled hex file to the arduino. The Tools / Serial port option on the menu was greyed out so I couldn't select a port to transfer thro'.

Turns out I didn't have sufficient privileges on /dev/ttyUSB0 to write to it.

Solution - as root, execute "chgrp 666 /dev/ttyUSB0"

Hope that helps somebody.



Shouldn't that be
chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0

I think that for getting access to tty devices, the user should be in the UUCP group (with perms: 660). At least that's the case for openSUSE.

Or dialup on ubuntu.

Yes, my previous post was a bit of a bodge - just wanted to help others who hit the same problem.


Still 666 is a bad number :slight_smile: