uEye Library

Hi all,

Am I able to control an industrial camera via the Arduino IDE? The camera is one made by 'IDS'. There is an API available for download and some guidance for its implementation.

I don't have much experience with external C++ libraries. I have tried to import the library ("Add .ZIP Library...") and reference it:

#include <uEye.h>

But I'm getting an error.

In file included from /Users/Arthur/Desktop/TEST/TEST.ino:1:0:
/Users/Arthur/Documents/Arduino/libraries/ueye/uEye.h:1712:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file or directory
 #include <windows.h>

compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560

Is it possible to work with a library of this kind within the Arduino IDE or am I making some kind of fundamental mistake here?

Many thanks, Arthur

The error message indicates that the program is intended for a Windows PC, not Arduino.

Unless you can find an Arduino example, you will have to write your own control program.

Am I able to control an industrial camera via the Arduino IDE?

For some definitions of control, certainly.

Is it possible to work with a library of this kind within the Arduino IDE or am I making some kind of fundamental mistake here?

Have you installed Windows on the Arduino? If not, yes, you are making a fundamental mistake. If you DID install Windows on the Arduino, that was a fundamental mistake, too. But, of a different kind.

I tried downloading that library. No way in hell, based solely on size, will you get that working on an Arduino.

I see. So #include will upload the library to the board. For some reason I hadn't clocked this. Thanks for your help.

So #include will upload the library to the board

No, it will not. #include is a directive that the preprocessor understands. The preprocessor runs before the compiler (which creates object files), which runs before the linker (which creates the hex file), which runs before avrdude (which does the upload).