UFTF Examples Not Running/Working/Crashing

Hello All,
I am doing a project for school and am trying to use the components listed below:

LCD Screen:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07916R3KY?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

LDC Shield: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075H25WZT?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Arduino Mega:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0046AMGW0?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

I would ideally like to use the UFTF library.... but when I run the examples, most won't work and a few will kinda work then crash halfway through (Example: Demo 320x280). Any thoughts or suggestions on what to do to fix this? I have created source code but it has the same issues. Sometimes it runs just fine until I change the code and reupload then it white screens....

UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S_V2, 38, 39, 40, 41) is what Im using. I know there are several that work and have tried those as well. PLEASE HELP. I've been messing around with this too long.


Did you read the (short) description of your display on Amazon's page ?
It says :

The 3.2 inch lcd screen use ILI9341 driver ic chip

You have to specify you use such a display driver when you declare it in your code. It is the first argument in the UTFT constructor.

But... when you look at the list of models that UTFT library supports, you don't find any trace of ILI9341.

So... you better have to find another library.

Please see page 3 of the supported controllers sheet supplied by the the creators of the UFTF library (Located inside the zip file at Rinky-Dink Electronics) clearly states that ILI9341 is supported. (Although, it does say basic support? Is that what is messing it up?) I would have attached the document but because I am a new user it won’t allow.

Please see attached.
UTFT_Supported_display_modules_&_controllers.pdf (93.2 KB)

Ooooops. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
I have an really old version of UTFT library that did not support ILI9341.

So, which model code did you try with examples codes ?
Have you disabled unneeded code through memorysaver.h file ?

I have tried all the model codes listed in that document that pertain to the ILI9341 and then some others found within this website.

What is really strange is that it will work for a while then it will white screen… I also cannot run the entire UFTF demo example without a white screen. It will load the sine wave part then “crash” after that. I have 2 of the exact same LCDs and they both do the exact same thing. The only thing I haven’t tried is swapping the Mega or the shield and at this point I don’t have time to order more parts.

I wouldn’t thing including a cleanup library would help with the UFTF examples? Those are supposed to work as they are (or as I thought).

Regardless of outcome, I do really appreciate your reply on this topic. If there is any other advice and guidance you could give, it would be greatly appreciated.

You didn't answer my second question :

No, I have not. Can you give direction on how to use it?

Directions are in the comments at begining of the file :

// UTFT Memory Saver
// -----------------
// Since most people have only one or possibly two different display modules a lot
// of memory has been wasted to keep support for many unneeded controller chips.
// You now have the option to remove this unneeded code from the library with
// this file.
// By disabling the controllers you don't need you can reduce the memory footprint
// of the library by several Kb.
// Uncomment the lines for the displaycontrollers that you don't use to save
// some flash memory by not including the init code for that particular
// controller.

The most important is :

Uncomment the lines for the displaycontrollers that you don't use

I disable all but the 2 ILI9341 codes and it’s still doing the same thing.

Any other suggestions?

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