Ultrasonic cleaner hack

So I got me one of these: The information is not available right now

2500 ml

170 watts

And yeah, I want the frequency to be changeable!

I will post a picture of the board in a few mins Just getting this up...

And yeah, I want the frequency to be changeable

I wish you good luck in moving the device away from its resonant frequency.
Expect that 170W to soar.

After taking a small peek at the circuit board...

I agree.......

I might need to buit a completely new arduino based thing just for this...

And use a mosfet some kind of transistor to control the current?

or am I.........

... ):

or am I.........

I think you are most definitely ...

(can I ask why you thought it necessary to change the frequency?)


or am I.........

I think you are most definitely ...

(can I ask why you thought it necessary to change the frequency?)

Crazy? absolutely!

But wasn't there some kind of trick you could do to channel a massive amount of current with a small current of another voltage... with no backfire...?

Also I am not good at electronics at all, I do understand the dangers of it all, however I am more of a machinist by trade...

And as for the frequency yeah, it's allmost at 50khz wich is fine for jewelr and carb cleaning... (fine cleaning if you will) I also do rough cleaning of parts that are either rusty or otherwise really dirty...

You require a lower frequency to clean those.

Also I am not good at electronics at all

Post your home address, we'll send flowers.

Thanks, I meant with the transistors and stuff, I got my basics there, its just that... a lot of circuit boards with transistors on them confuse the hell out of me.

I mean a simple capacitor charger pcb is easy to understand, but this has like 7 coils 3 transistors and 6 caps..


What I think you're failing to understand is that the device is designed to work at a particular frequency, and the components (the things that actually shake the bath) are designed to resonate at that particular frequency - to get them to work at similar power levels at other frequencies is going to cost a lot of bother for you.

I realize that now after taking my xanax..

Nothing seems to work ideally when I miss a dose...

Well, I shall leave this topic here as a testament to my own idiocity.

well back to working with insanely high pressures I go.