ultrasonic crack measurement

This is my first time to work with arduino, well i am mechanical eng. so i don't know much about coding.
i hope you all will help me.
i am doing project to find the dimension of crack i.e length width of crack, as crack are so small and i am using ultrasonic hcsr04 sensor therefore i am making a clay model of crack 5x2 sq.cm.

suppose vehicle on which the ultrasonic sensor in mounted in having less velocity (can assume 1cm/s)
how should i code for this.

plz, hoping for your support

Welcome to the forum.

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I think you will need to research Ultrasonic Crack detection.
It relies on the transmitting and receiving transducers to be in contact with the material surfaces, this is so it only detects cracks in the material and not the change in density between the ultrasonic Tx and Rx and the test block.
Also transfer of the ultrasonic energy into the subject is much more efficient.

HC-SR04 units cannot be mounted like that due to the air space in front of the Tx and Rx active components.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

The HC-SR04 is designed to measure distances in air.
Cracks detectors may use ultrasound, but that's about where the similarities end.

There was a thread about something similar a while ago - detecting cracks in beams. I think it was looking for them when the beam was stressed. I'm sure it will turn up with a bit of dilligent Googling!