Ultrasonic gives wrong output

Try :
const float speedOfSound = 343.0 / 1000.0; // Convert to m/us

which is more accurate.

And replace long duration with this :

  long duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, 26000); // Adjust this timeout if needed
  if (duration > 0) {
    // Calculate distance in meters
    float distance = duration * speedOfSound / 2.0;
    result = static_cast<long>(distance * 100); // Convert to cm

The chip on the Due has some special hardware for reading encoders (does it in hardware without needing an interrupt for each step), but I don't know if there is an Arduino Library that would make this easy to use.

you could throw a 2nd Arduino at the problem - one to deal with the motors, one to deal with the ultrasonics. you probably don't need all 30k steps per revolution; the encoder task could "concentrate" that, either just only forwarding some pulses, or sending less frequent messages that say "the encoder moved 22 ticks."

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