I want to measure the wind speed and direction from a ultrasonic anenometer using CAN via arduino.
Originally, the ulrasonic anenometer physical connection is based on RS485 Protocol (See Link Below)
I want to use CAN to measure the wind speed and direction and not use RS485 (Avoid using the hardware MAX485 if possible based from above link setup) to read the anenometer measurements.
I want to figure out the hardware connection first before going deeper into the software programming.
Is there a adaptor/converter that converts RS485 to CAN that can be hooked to arduino? I am assuming in order for CAN to communicate with arduino the MCP2515 must be used for transmitting and receiving.
Basically, I want my physical hardware connection to be like this CAN layout from this link:
but instead of the DHT11 Sensor it would be the ultrasonic anenometer that is transmitting wind speed and direction visa a RS485-CAN adaptor to the MCP2515.
If you want to communicate by CanBus, then you will need 485 hardware converter to Canbus, probably an Arduino to help, at the Anemometer and CanBus to Arduino converter at the Arduino.
If you use 485, you only need a 485 to Arduino converter at the Arduino.
Can you tell us the reasoning behind your decision?
Is your goal is to have a series of devices in a daisy chain arrangement?
The web page says the anemometer uses Modbus, which is in conjunction with a RS485 chip supports a daisy chain arrangement. No need for additional hardware.