Hallo Arduino Freunde
Ich bin Total Neu hier und auch in der Materie Arduino.
Nun habe ich ein Super Script gefunden, welches mir sehr Helfen würde.
Aber trotz viel suchen und Lesen im Intenet habe ich leider keine Lösung für mich gefunden.
In dem Sript wird ein DHT11 eingesetzt, den ich lieber durch einen vorhandenen DS18B20 ersetzen möchte.
Aber was muss ich im Script ändern, damit das auch läuft.
Ich wäre für jede Hilfereiche Antwort sehr Dankbar.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ESP32 Web Controlled Thermostat
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Author: Stéphane Calderoni
* Date: April 2020
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This project is a response to a request made on the RNT Lab forum:
* https://rntlab.com/question/java-script-code-to-refresh-home-page-only-once/
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macros
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LED indicators
// --------------
* We are going to use 2 LEDs:
* - one as a WiFi network connection indicator
* - one as an activity indicator for temperature sensor read requests from
* the client browser
#define TEMP_LED GPIO_NUM_23
// DHT11 temperature sensor
// ------------------------
#define DHT_PIN GPIO_NUM_32
#define DHT_TYPE DHT11
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Temperature limits
// ------------------
* The thermostat will be configured to operate within a temperature range
* defined by a lower and an upper values that can be set by the operator.
* The operator will be able to save these values in the EEPROM. An `INIT_FLAG`
* backup indicator will allow the firmware to determine if this backup has
* been performed at least once.
* In addition, we define here the extreme values that the upper and lower
* limits of operator-defined temperatures must not be exceeded.
constexpr uint8_t INIT_FLAG = 42; // 😉 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams)
constexpr float_t MIN_TEMP = 10; // ideal temperatures
constexpr float_t MAX_TEMP = 14; // for a wine cellar
// Definition of the 3 memory slots to be reserved in the EEPROM
// -------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr uint8_t EEPROM_SIZE = sizeof(uint8_t) + (2 * sizeof(float_t));
constexpr uint8_t ADDR_INIT_FLAG = 0;
constexpr uint8_t ADDR_MIN_TEMP = sizeof(uint8_t);
constexpr uint8_t ADDR_MAX_TEMP = sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(float_t);
// WiFi credentials
// ----------------
constexpr char WIFI_SSID[] = "your WiFi SSID";
constexpr char WIFI_PASS[] = "your WiFi password";
// Web server listening port
// -------------------------
constexpr uint16_t HTTP_PORT = 80;
// Serial monitor
// --------------
constexpr char PREAMBLE[] = R"PREAMBLE(
ESP32 Web Controlled Thermostat
© 2020 Stéphane Calderoni
Initialization process
constexpr char CLOSING[] = "\n-------------------------------\n";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Temperature range supported by the thermostat
// ---------------------------------------------
struct TempRange {
bool initialized;
float_t lower;
float_t upper;
TempRange tempRange;
// Temperature sensor reading parameters
// -------------------------------------
bool readingTemperature; // -> DHT11 LED indicator
uint32_t startRead; // -> start time of reading
// Firmware operating modules
// --------------------------
DHT dht(DHT_PIN, DHT_TYPE); // -> DHT11 temperature sensor
AsyncWebServer server(HTTP_PORT); // -> Web server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialization procedures
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Serial monitor initialization
// -----------------------------
void initSerial() {
// LED indicator initialization
// ----------------------------
void initLEDs() {
readingTemperature = false;
startRead = 0;
Serial.println(F("1. LED indicators activated"));
// EEPROM initialization
// ---------------------
void initEEPROM() {
Serial.print(F("2. Initializing EEPROM... "));
if (EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE)) {
// display of the values currently stored in the EEPROM
Serial.print(F("done\n -> [ "));
uint8_t e1 = EEPROM.readByte(ADDR_INIT_FLAG);
float_t e2 = EEPROM.readFloat(ADDR_MIN_TEMP);
float_t e3 = EEPROM.readFloat(ADDR_MAX_TEMP);
Serial.printf("0x%02x => %u | 0x%02x => %.1f | 0x%02x => %.1f ]\n", ADDR_INIT_FLAG, e1, ADDR_MIN_TEMP, e2, ADDR_MAX_TEMP, e3);
} else {
void initTempRange() {
// the temperature range stored in the EEPROM is read out
float_t minTemp = EEPROM.readFloat(ADDR_MIN_TEMP);
float_t maxTemp = EEPROM.readFloat(ADDR_MAX_TEMP);
// whether these values are to be taken into account
// (only if they have already been stored in the EEPROM at least once)
tempRange.initialized = EEPROM.readByte(ADDR_INIT_FLAG) == INIT_FLAG;
// the temperature range to be taken over by the thermostat is deduced from this:
tempRange.lower = tempRange.initialized ? minTemp : MIN_TEMP;
tempRange.upper = tempRange.initialized ? maxTemp : MAX_TEMP;
Serial.print(F("3. Temperature range set to "));
Serial.printf("[ %.1f°C , %.1f°C ]\n", tempRange.lower, tempRange.upper);
// DHT11 temperature sensor initialization
// ---------------------------------------
void initTempSensor() {
Serial.println(F("4. DHT11 temperature sensor activated"));
// SPIFFS initialization
// ---------------------
* The web user interface will be stored on the ESP32 Flash memory file system
* as 5 separate files :
* - index.html (the interface structure)
* - index.css (the graphical layout of the interface)
* - index.js (the dynamic interface management program)
* - D7MR.woff2 (the font used for numeric displays)
* - favicon.ico (the tiny icon for the browser)
void initSPIFFS() {
if (!SPIFFS.begin()) {
Serial.println(F("Cannot mount SPIFFS volume..."));
while(1) digitalWrite(INIT_LED, millis() % 200 < 20 ? HIGH : LOW);
Serial.println(F("5. SPIFFS volume is mounted"));
// WiFi connection initialization
// ------------------------------
* A connection to the ambient WiFi network is required here to be able to
* interact with an operator (who will access ESP32 through a web browser).
void initWiFi() {
Serial.printf("6. Trying to connect to [%s] network ", WIFI_SSID);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.printf("\n7. Connected! => %s\n", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Temperature handling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sensor reading
// --------------
* A temperature reading on the sensor will trigger a flash of the LED indicator.
* It is therefore necessary to store the instant of this reading, in order to
* later determine when the LED should turn off.
float_t readTemperature() {
startRead = millis();
readingTemperature = true;
return dht.readTemperature();
// Triggers
// --------
* When temperatures are outside the range allowed by the operator,
* special actions may be desired. These must be defined here.
* Be careful to understand, however, that in the case of this demonstration,
* only the client browser is at the origin of the temperature control,
* by making successive periodic requests.
* If you want ESP32 to also monitor the temperature on its own initiative,
* you will have to add this monitoring to the main control loop!
void lowTemperatureTrigger () {
// trigger whatever you want here...
void highTemperatureTrigger () {
// trigger whatever you want here...
void checkForTriggers(float_t temp) {
if (temp < tempRange.lower) {
} else if (temp > tempRange.upper) {
// Temperature range backup
// ------------------------
* The lower and upper temperature limits are only saved if the current values
* differ from the values already stored in the EEPROM. There is no need to
* write to the EEPROM if this is not necessary.
void saveTempRangeToEEPROM(float_t lower, float_t upper) {
bool hasToBeSaved = false;
// Remember that `tempRange` contains the values that were
// read from the EEPROM during initialization.
if (lower != tempRange.lower) {
tempRange.lower = lower;
EEPROM.writeFloat(ADDR_MIN_TEMP, lower);
hasToBeSaved = true;
if (upper != tempRange.upper) {
tempRange.upper = upper;
EEPROM.writeFloat(ADDR_MAX_TEMP, upper);
hasToBeSaved = true;
if (hasToBeSaved) {
// If no storage has ever taken place in the EEPROM,
// a control value is also stored so that it can be remembered
// that it has actually taken place at least once.
if (!tempRange.initialized) {
tempRange.initialized = true;
// we end by actually writing in the EEPROM:
Serial.println(F("-> Has been stored in EEPROM\n"));
} else {
Serial.println(F("Already stored in EEPROM (no change)\n"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HTTP route definition & request processing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Processing of the `index.html` template
// ---------------------------------------
* The HTML page (index.html) that is stored in SPIFFS has generic markers
* of the form `%TAG%`. This routine is responsible for substituting these
* markers with the actual values that correspond to them and must be included
* in the page that is sent to the browser.
* There are 4 of these markers:
* - %TEMP% (the current temperature read by the sensor)
* - %MIN_TEMP% (factory setting of the minimum temperature)
* - %MAX_TEMP% (Factory setting of the maximum temperature)
* - %LOWER_TEMP% (the lower limit of the temperature range set by the operator)
* - %UPPER_TEMP% (the upper limit of the temperature range set by the operator)
String processor(const String &var)
if (var == "TEMP") {
float_t t = readTemperature();
return isnan(t) ? String("Error") : String(t, 1);
} else if (var == "MIN_TEMP") {
return String(MIN_TEMP, 1);
} else if (var == "MAX_TEMP") {
return String(MAX_TEMP, 1);
} else if (var == "LOWER_TEMP") {
return String(tempRange.lower, 1);
} else if (var == "UPPER_TEMP") {
return String(tempRange.upper, 1);
return String();
// Specific treatment of the root page (as a template)
// ---------------------------------------------------
* When the browser requests access to the main page `index.html`,
* the server must first replace the generic markers declared above
* with their respective values.
void onRootRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", "text/html", false, processor);
// Method of fallback in case no request could be resolved
// -------------------------------------------------------
void onNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
// Sensor temperature reading query manager
// ----------------------------------------
void onTemp(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
Serial.println(F("Received temperature request\n-> Performs a sensor reading"));
float_t temp = readTemperature();
if (isnan(temp)) {
Serial.println(F("** Failed to read from DHT sensor!\n"));
request->send(200, "text/plain", String("Error"));
} else {
Serial.print(F("-> DHT sensor readout: "));
Serial.printf("%.1f°C\n", temp);
Serial.println(F("-> Sends the data back to the client\n"));
request->send(200, "text/plain", String(temp));
// Factory reset
// -------------
void onReset(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
// No point in writing in the EEPROM if it's never been done before...
if (tempRange.initialized) {
EEPROM.writeByte(ADDR_INIT_FLAG, 0xff);
tempRange.initialized = false;
tempRange.lower = MIN_TEMP;
tempRange.upper = MAX_TEMP;
Serial.println(F("\nFactory reset\n"));
Serial.print(F("-> Temperature range is set to "));
Serial.printf("[ %.1f°C , %.1f°C ]\n\n", tempRange.lower, tempRange.upper);
// Requests are asynchronous and must always be resolved:
// ESP32 restart request manager
// -----------------------------
void onReboot(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
// Requests are asynchronous and must always be resolved:
// Manager for queries to define the temperature range set by the operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void onSaveThresholds(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
if (request->hasParam("lower") && request->hasParam("upper")) {
float_t lower = request->getParam("lower")->value().toFloat();
float_t upper = request->getParam("upper")->value().toFloat();
Serial.printf("Temperature range received: [ %.1f°C , %.1f°C ]\n", lower, upper);
saveTempRangeToEEPROM(lower, upper);
// Requests are asynchronous and must always be resolved:
// Definition of request handlers and server initialization
// --------------------------------------------------------
* This is where we will define the HTTP routes of the application,
* as well as the handlers associated with each route.
void initWebServer() {
// Routes that simply return one of the files present on SPIFFS:
* for some reason, this doesn't work:
* -> server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/index.html");
* but this does:
* -> server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/").setDefaultFile("index.html");
* and this messes up the rendering in the browser:
* -> server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/").setDefaultFile("index.html").setTemplateProcessor(processor);
* So, I prefer to fall back on the classic method:
server.on("/", onRootRequest);
server.serveStatic("/index.js", SPIFFS, "/index.js");
server.serveStatic("/index.css", SPIFFS, "/index.css");
server.serveStatic("/D7MR.woff2", SPIFFS, "/D7MR.woff2");
server.serveStatic("/favicon.ico", SPIFFS, "/favicon.ico");
// Routes that correspond to dynamic processing by the microcontroller:
server.on("/temp", onTemp);
server.on("/reset", onReset);
server.on("/reboot", onReboot);
server.on("/savethresholds", onSaveThresholds);
// Server initialization
Serial.println(F("8. Web server started"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General initialization procedure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Each module is initialized in turn, in a precise order:
void setup() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LED indicator handlers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WiFi connection indicator
// -------------------------
void flashWiFiBeacon() {
digitalWrite(INIT_LED, millis() % 2000 < 50 ? HIGH : LOW);
// DHT reading indicator
// ---------------------
void flashTempBeacon() {
if (readingTemperature) {
readingTemperature = millis() - startRead < 50;
digitalWrite(TEMP_LED, readingTemperature ? HIGH : LOW);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main control loop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* All processing that is the responsibility of the web server is carried out
* asynchronously. There is therefore not much to do in the main loop, except
* to manage the operation of the LEDs.
void loop() {
Um genau dieses Script geht es.
Vielen Dank schon einmal.
Gruß Ralph