Unable compiling Opta simple code

Hello, i have a problem with PLC IDE. It can't compile an empty project. The result is always this error :

--- Start compilation (PreBuild) 9:09:55 AM ---
--- End compilation (PreBuild) 9:09:55 AM ---

--- Start compilation (PostBuild) 9:09:56 AM ---
Sketch generated, is changed: true
Downloading platform arduino:mbed_opta@3.5.4...
Downloading index: package_index.tar.bz2 downloaded
arduino:mbed_opta@3.5.4 arduino:mbed_opta@3.5.4 already downloaded
Installing platform arduino:mbed_opta@3.5.4...
Downloading tool arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2...
arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2 arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2 already downloaded
Installing tool arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2...
Downloading tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4...
arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4 downloaded
Installing tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4...
Error installing tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4...
Downloading tool arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1...
arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1 arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1 already downloaded
Installing tool arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1...
Downloading tool arduino:imgtool@1.8.0-arduino.2...
arduino:imgtool@1.8.0-arduino.2 arduino:imgtool@1.8.0-arduino.2 already downloaded
Installing tool arduino:imgtool@1.8.0-arduino.2...
Error initializing instance: Error loading hardware platform: loading required tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4: Error installing tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4: testing local archive integrity: testing archive size: fetched archive size differs from size specified in index: 5472 != 131761924
Downloading library AlPlc_Opta@1.0.3...
AlPlc_Opta@1.0.3 downloaded
Installing library AlPlc_Opta@1.0.3...
Downloading library ArduinoRS485@1.0.5...
ArduinoRS485@1.0.5 downloaded
Installing library ArduinoRS485@1.0.5...
Using board 'opta' from platform in folder: C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc
Using core 'arduino' from platform in folder: C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc
Detecting libraries used...
/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -c -w -g3 -nostdlib "@C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\variants\OPTA/defines.txt" "@C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\variants\OPTA/cxxflags.txt" -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -w -x c++ -E -CC -DARDUINO=10607 -DARDUINO_OPTA -DARDUINO_ARCH_MBED_OPTA -DARDUINO_ARCH_MBED -DARDUINO_LIBRARY_DISCOVERY_PHASE=1 "-IC:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\cores\arduino" "-IC:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\variants\OPTA" "-IC:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\cores\arduino/api/deprecated" "-IC:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\cores\arduino/api/deprecated-avr-comp" "-iprefixC:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\cores\arduino" "@C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc\variants\OPTA/includes.txt" "C:\Users\VMWareW10\Documents\PLC IDE\TestNuovo\LLSketch_build\sketch\LLSketch.ino.cpp" -o nul

Used platform Version Path
arduino:mbed_opta 3.5.4 C:\Users\VMWareW10\AppData\Local\T\A\internal\arduino_mbed_opta_3.5.4_ccd8464f766ff0fc
Error during build: exec: "/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist

Best regards

I don't know if I can help. But I know that unfortunately something went wrong. If you post a message and have a question, always include the code and the error message. Paste the code by clicking on the button (as in the picture) and then paste the code. You should also do the same with the error message. This makes it much easier to help you. Also, you mentioned user "C" now... :thinking:


void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Empty project , with nothing.

If i change ONLY the platform (so change the compiler), the compiling function goes done without error (in my case i change the Opta with Mega).

What compiler do you usually use? Which one doesn't work?

Opta use arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4 and this is the error if i try to install the board

Tool arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2 already installed
Downloading packages
Installing arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4
Failed to install platform: arduino:mbed_opta.
Error: 13 INTERNAL: Cannot install tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4: testing local archive integrity: testing archive size: fetched archive size differs from size specified in index: 5472 != 131761924

I'm not that familiar with Arduino Opta, but you could try reinstalling the compilers, i.e. reinstalling the apps you use for Arduino Opta.

I tried many time to install IDE 1.8 and 2,0 . Past week, IDE works fine with Opta but i had many problems with PLC IDE . So i uninstalled allthings and tried re install the packages . This is the result on VM and on a physical PC . In this moment i can't work with IDE o PLC IDE on Opta boards.

OK. You've already tried a lot. Unfortunately I can't help you that well then. But I still have one question:
Do you need all two apps, i.e. IDE and PLC IDE? I can see if I can find a solution somehow.

I looked again and thought about it. You've probably already tried:

  • Run the app as admin
  • Disable anti-virus software
    In addition, I've always read something about "poor" in the error. I am assuming that you have a device with ARM architecture, e.g. B. Surface Pro X. Is that true?

First answer : I used also IDE and PLC IDE because there are some problems with the comunication and licencing of PLC IDE Sketch. I tried to install only IDE and only PLC IDE but the compiler install never goes done (insteade first time with IDE).

Secondo answer : I tried to disable firewall, antivirus . It's the same. I don't have ARM architecture, two PCs are normal 64bit intel I7.

Is possibile that the source is corrupted like this post ?https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore/issues/533

OK. To your question: yes, it can be. But I am not sure. But what I'm sure of is that the word "ARM" often appears in your error message, which stands for "ARM architecture". Maybe the error has something to do with it. But it can also be that it is there so often because Opla is probably based on ARM.

I solved it.

The problem is the compiler zip file that is corrupted (but in the repository).

So i found another copy from another source, substitued in the correct directory, manually installed with arduino-cli and re compiled.

That makes me happy!

This is hard work at my firt use of arduino. I program PLC systems usually i dont't need install manually the library of devices.

Best regards

Maybe you want to mark the solution as "solution" so that others who have the problem can find the solution?
It's just a recommendation and I don't mean to force you into anything, and it's often recommended.

I've done, thank you

Thanks very much!

I had replicate the problem in this post :

This is the result about installation PLC IDE Tool.

Could you tell me how you did this exactly? I have the same issue and can't get mine to work. Step by step would be helpful.

Hi @dustin_d_j , nice to see you here on the forum!
You probably like to know where @enrob downloaded this, right? I mentioned @enrob once, then he might answer sooner. Can't you find an online source to download it yourself?