unable to do 2 seperate functions over serial

Hi all, I have an android app (that I have made myself) In it I have a slider that sends thumb position data (0-180 in whole numbers) over Bluetooth to my arduino nano. The code below comes from zoomkat I believe and it is working great! It controls my micro servo on pin D9 perfectly. I also have two buttons in the android app that send "on" and "off" to control an LED (eventually a motor) This does not work at all?

// type servo position 0 to 180 in serial monitor

String readString;
#include <Servo.h> 
Servo myservo;  // create servo object
int led = 13; // Pin 13

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 as digital out
  myservo.writeMicroseconds(0); //set initial servo position
  myservo.attach(9);  //the pin for the servo control

void loop() {
  while (Serial.available()) {
    char c = Serial.read();  //gets one byte from serial buffer
    readString += c; //makes the string readString
    delay(2);  //slow looping to allow buffer to fill with next character

  if (readString.length() >0) { 
    int n = readString.toInt();  //convert readString into a number

   // }

    readString=""; //empty for next input
    String input = "";
    if (input == "on")
        digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // on
    else if (input == "off")
        digitalWrite(led, LOW); // off

been at it for a few hours now and cannot figure it out, google has helped me to this point, however all i can get it to do is either work good with the servo and not the led, or work the led but not the servo?

Hello and welcome :slight_smile:

String input = "";
if (input == "on")

This create an empty String and check if it's equal to "on".. That will never be true!

You have to do something like this instead:

if ( readString.length() >0 )
    if ( readString == "on" )
        digitalWrite( led, HIGH ); // on
    else if ( readString == "off" )
        digitalWrite( led, LOW ); // off
        int n = readString.toInt();  //convert readString into a number
        myservo.write( n );

    readString = "";

This is far from being perfect...

thanks I will try it out, I am learning as I go. No experience in programming except for some html/css and a little android.

Thank you a bunch guix, that worked great! Now that you have helped me get it working, I can examine how and why it works and learn where I went wrong. I had it working last night only partially. The led would light then all of a sudden the servo slider would not work and the led buttons would control the servo :o Just before I posted the first post I was thinking I should have the led code above the servo, and I see the "else" works good. I had a brain fart that I couldn't use it more than once :roll_eyes: It took me too many hours just to get where I am at, would you happen to personally recommend any arduino specif coding books?, just the coding.

The arduino reference is helpful, but I need a little more help (I am a visual learner)

I can't recommend a book, but arduino code is C/C++ code, so find some tutorials about C/C++ basics (because arduino doesn't support most of advanced stuff) :wink:

Here is a modified (and untested) version of your code, I highly recommend to not use the String class or delays!

const size_t INPUT_SIZE = 20;

void loop()
	if ( Serial.available() > 0 ) // if there is something in the serial buffer
		static char input[ INPUT_SIZE ];
		static uint8_t i;

		char c = Serial.read(); // read one char

		if ( c != '\n' && i < INPUT_SIZE - 1 ) // if the char isn't a newline, and there is room in the input buffer
			input[ i++ ] = c; // store the char in the input buffer
			input[ i ] = '\0'; // add a null terminator to make it a valid C string
			i = 0; // reset index for next command

			if ( !strcmp( input, "on" ) )
				digitalWrite( led, HIGH );
			else if ( !strcmp( input, "off" ) )
				digitalWrite( led, LOW );
			else if ( isNumeric( input ) )
				myservo.write( atoi( input ) );

bool isNumeric( const char *s )
	for ( size_t i = 0, j = strlen(s); i < j; i++ )
		if ( s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9' )
			return false;

	return true;

You will have to modify your android program to send a '\n' at the end of each command.

You may also be interested by this advanced method

The Arduino code in this demo illustrates a reasonably comprehensive way to receive any sort of data. It works fine with the Serial Monitor if you want to try it out without the Python program.
