Unable to fetch data from GPS SKYLAB SKG13bl

Hello every one I am new to arduino .
I am working on GPS .I am unable to get the data from GPS.I tried TinyGPS and TinyGPS++ too..
Through TinyGps I got the gps value 2 3 times but after that i wont get any data ......
After that i just try to read the gps data by using stringreaduntil ... but only 5 6 times i able to get the data ...again i am not able to read any data....its not showing any data.....Only Blank spaces :cry:
I have increased the buffer size to 512 too. but I am not able to get the GPS data...
this is my recent code to t read the gps data

void setup() {
Serial.println("gps data");

void loop() {

while (Serial.available() > 0) {

myString = Serial.readStringUntil('$');
if (myString != 0) {



stringintil2.ino (407 Bytes)

If you do not KNOW what data to expect, and how can you if you aren't getting any data, why on earth are you making assumptions about the format of the data?

GPS sentences start with a $. Why would you use that as an end of packet marker?

I know the nmea format even i fetched the data in this way i got all the values just $ is absent ... this code 4 5 times worked but after that i am not getting any data.
That is my problem .

That is my problem .

Why not run a simple sketch that simply prints each character received? Determine if your GPS still works, instead of whining.

already done it to fetch single character , same thing happen 2 3 times the i received single single character and same thing problem occur only receving blank spaces. Tx led of arduino is also blinking but on terminal only blank spaces

already done it to fetch single character , same thing happen 2 3 times the i received single single character and same thing problem occur only receving blank spaces. Tx led of arduino is also blinking but on terminal only blank spaces

The code appears to be missing from your post, as is the serial output.

not getting your thing