I have a Stair project i am creating which will require me to light up 13 stairs with a total of 678 total Leds in series distributed over 13 stairs. I am using an arduino UNO and 2 (20 Amp)external power supplies at each end of the stairs. I also implemented a 220 ohm resistor on the data wire and grounded out the arduino.
Using the RGBW strand-test example in the library i ran the program and it works flawlessly for 440-450 lights and below but anything over 460 gets glitchy. The program will absolutely not run more than 468 LEDs. (When that happens the program will not even start) anywhere up to the 468 threshold weird things start happening. Some times the program will just freeze up. Once we had lights 463-468 stay lit while all the other ones ran normally in the program.
I should also mention that the stopping point is in the middle of a led light strip not at a solder joint or anything like that.
interesting angle that would make complete sense. As it appears at a quick internet search it has about 2k SRAM and that would be very close to the capability of the lights. Do you recommend a board with higher ram?
But I suppose if you say "clueless", you are pretty much inviting that comment.
The cheapest substantially powerful module is an ESP8266, but you do have to add a 74HCT14 (which is dirt cheap) as a level converter and there are a few tricks in the code (suppressing interrupts).