Unable to recognize device under cloud, but works ok under web editor.
tried adafruit esp32 feather, arduino nano IOT 33 all work under editor but not cloud.
have install arduino cloud create ok.
this is what I get from open Debug console from agent
com4 is USB port for nano 33 IOT
Serial Ports:
"Name": "COM4",
"SerialNumber": "55E9D76E5030534E512E3120FF040938",
"IsOpen": false,
"VendorID": "0x2341",
"ProductID": "0x8057"
Show what gives You that output.
Thank you for responding.. I am trying Nano 33 IOT for a cloud app under Windows. I built it ,but it doesn't see the nano . I used the Arduino create agent and the NANO device appears under my Windows device manager as COM4 ( see snapshots of screen).
I also invoked the create agent debug and provided you the snapshot as well-sure enough it does not see the device at COM4,
(I also provided you snapshots of the Thing I created and its sketch ( showing it can't find the part)).
In my frustration I then developed a normal sketch under WEB editor using the same part, and this sketch sees the part on COM4 ( snapshots provided).
Please advise, all snapshots are labeled/
Does that app see other controllers?
Does the Nano have bootloader etc?
No I get the same result with ESP 32 as well
Don’t know anything about a boot loader .
Okey. Try this: Start up the IDE and connect the controller via USB. Use the IDE menue to set/check the COM port. Truy opening serial monitor. If that works, the controller is good and the problem lays in the app.
ok I tried both the ESP32 and the Nano IOT 33 using serial monitor with Arduino IDE 1.18.12 ( using their existing programs) --They both worked.
For grins I then then tried to reprogram both parts with the same basic program" analog read", ESP32 worked, but when attempting to program the nano under IDE I got the following message "Error computing for Arduino Nano 33 IOT?
Any ideas?
You missed setting up the IDE for the proper controller.
This is caused by a bug recently introduced into Arduino Cloud that affects ESP32 and ESP8266 boards. I have submitted a formal report to the Arduino Cloud Developers and will report back here if I have any news to share regarding a resolution.
For now, please use Arduino IDE when you need to upload Arduino Cloud IoT Thing sketches to ESP32 and ESP8266 boards via the serial port. You can install support for the ESP32 boards in Arduino IDE by following these instructions.
You can use the Arduino Cloud sketchbook integration feature of Arduino IDE 2.x to get convenient access to all your Arduino Cloud sketches (including Thing sketches) for use in Arduino IDE:
You can continue to use Arduino Cloud to set up IoT Devices, Things, and dashboards, to write and compile sketches, and to interact with the Thing via dashboards. The only problem is the inability to upload to the board via the serial port. The bug does not occur when using a non-IoT sketch so you can work with non-IoT sketches in Arduino Cloud, including uploading them to ESP32 and ESP8266 boards, just as always.
The bug is specific to serial ports. Arduino Cloud also has an OTA (over-the-air) upload feature that allows you to uploading to boards via the Internet This feature is available if you have an "Entry" Arduino Cloud plan or higher. You must use the serial port to upload the IoT Thing sketch to a board for the first time, or if the board is no longer able to connect to the network using the credentials that were configured the last time the sketch was uploaded, but once an IoT Thing sketch is running on the ESP32 board with access to the Internet, it will produce an OTA port. You can then upload to that OTA port via Arduino Cloud. So the workaround of using Arduino IDE to upload the sketch is only required in cases where the board is not producing an OTA port.
The bug should not affect the Nano 33 IoT board so the problem when using this board remains to be investigated.
Thanks , I will try it, the bug explains the ESP32 issue but what about the Nano 33 IOT?
@Tkibalo these two statements are contradictory. The Arduino Create Agent Debug Console output you shared clearly shows that Create Agent does see the device at COM4, yet you say it "does not see the device at COM4". Please explain.
All it means is that is can’t open COM4
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