this is the error massage that i am getting all the time even after using "writeDigitalPin" too. Please help.
Error using v1 (line 15)
Unable to receive data from the target hardware.
For MATLAB, reconnect the target hardware, clear the hardware objects and try again.
For Simulink, reconnect the target hardware and start simulation again.
Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category which is more appropriate than the original as it has nothing to do with Installation and Troubleshooting of the IDE
It also has nothing to do with Arduino as far as I can see beyond connecting to a Uno
yess.. and sometimes I am getting errors like this--
Error using v1 (line 22)
Unable to receive data from the target hardware.
For MATLAB, reconnect the target hardware, clear the hardware objects and try again.
For Simulink, reconnect the target hardware and start simulation again
didn't understand what are you asking?.....Let me tell you...the MATLAB version i am using is 2021a. The error massage provided above is what i am getting on the command window...and... i did not get any suggestion from the MATLAB in the command window. When i searched this massage in the internet...i got something like troubleshooting sensors, i followed those steps, but the problem remains same ( error massage of the command window is still the same.).