I'm using Arduino IDE 1.5.4 Under Windows 8, I have an Arduino Uno connected to the USB port.
For some reason I'm unable to select a baud rate of 38400 in the serial monitor window.
I'm going to kick myself when somebody suggests a simple fix.
why not using 115200,
it is the fastest way to communicate between IDE and Arduino giving the Arduino more time to do other things.
Because I'm preparing the Ardunio to talk to something else at 38400 baud.
makes sense,
You could use a terminal program like putty.exe (windows platform) to test 38K4
I am using other tools to test 38400 baud.
I'm asking the simple question:
Why do I not have the ability to select 38400 baud in the Arduino IDE?
The simple answer is that nobody build it.
The sources are available but nobody felt the urge to add it.
You can post an issue on github here - GitHub - arduino/Arduino: Arduino IDE 1.x - and hope that it will be picked up.