I've got a 'Sunfounder Starter Learning Kit for Arduino' which is containing UNO Revision 3 PCB with USB connector. Unfortunately the included software CD does not have the fitting IDE.
I downloaded yesterday the latest IDE from this arduino site as 'windows installer package' and installed it on my PC (Win10/32). I have different problems to get connected to the Arduino.
driver installation seems to be not correct (see attachment deviceManager.jpg and driverDetails.jpg)
(repeating the driver installation tells always the driver is already installed...)
in the IDE I cannot choose the COM-Port, only the fixed port COM4 is shown after install of IDE.
(I had to reconfigure the COM-Port in the DeviceManager to have COM4 with 'GenuinoUno' )
I would expect to have posibility to choose the COM-PORT ???
If I compile the first example sketch, the compilation is fine, but the upload to Arduino fails.
(see attached file error_messages.txt)
I have no idea, what I could do at next. I think the major problem seems to be the driver installation, but how can I fix this?
Thank you in advance for helping!

error_messages.txt (25.8 KB)
I downloaded yesterday the latest IDE
Why do people always tell you they have the "latest IDE" instead of just telling you which IDE that is... Had to flip through the images to spot 1.6.7.
But okay, it's indeed the driver. Unfortunately you did not copy/post the driver error message.
But try to update the driver but this time you select you want to choose. Select the driver folder inside the Arduino IDE folder. Does it update now?
And a quick answer to the questions:
- you're right. That's what the ! means
- Com4 is the right one.
- That's what to expect when the port isn;t working isn't it?
Hi Septillion,
following your answer I tried to install the driver again from the location you wrote.
This time I used the ' -->Aus einer Liste...' (select from a list of drivers on the computer)
( see 'updateDriver.jpg'), in the next popup I selected 'Genuino Uno' (see 'Genuino Uno.jpg')
and this time a update was done but with an error message again (see 'error10.jpg')
Because the message is in German language, it tells me
"Error during installing driver software for the device
The device cannot be started (code 10)"
Do you have an idea, what still goes wrong?
Best regards and thank you for helping me!

I see you pointed to the x86 directory, is your windows indeed 32bit? (Which is a bit odd in this day and age...)
The code 10 error I only know from the Prolifix PL2303 chips....
yes indeed the PC is like me a little bit older guy, it is really windows 10 / 32 bit version...
The PC came origin with Windows XP, later i upgraded to Win7 and 3 month ago to Win 10
Always it run in the 32 bit version.
I've just googled for the chip Prolific PL 2303, because I had no idea what you're talking about.
Is this a part on my PC mainboard? Do I need probably a new driver for this chip?
Try this thread, which deals with code 10.
You mean the Flip part? Seems bit weird this is wrong on a brand new Arduino...
yes indeed the PC is like me a little bit older guy, it is really windows 10 / 32 bit version...
Okay, just checking
And you might want to consider updating to 64bit. Can speed up the machine a bit. My 9 year old machine runs win10 x64 just fine 
meanwhile I followed the link given by 'dannable' what would an update of the firmware on uno board require...
On the other hand, I cannot belive that my brand new board should come with a nonfunctioning firmware, this would be strange...
Also I see in the forum of the manufacturer SUNFOUNDER the same problem, but it has been solved by using another PC.
if the problem would be in the FW of the Atmel Mega 16U2, which is on my board responsible for USB-serial handling, how could this problem be fixed by using another PC???
At the moment I'm really confused, how to go on, because I am not sure to make a FW update using the flip software, may be I make more damage if something goes wrong...
by the way: updating my PC with windows 10/64 was not supported when I got the possibility to update for free from Windows 7 some month ago.
Did you check you're board to see it indeed had the square ATmega16U2 near the USB? Or is it maybe a clone. Something like a CH341 chip near the USB. You wouldn't be the the first to think he has a real Arduino but it actually is a clone...
And yes, with the update of Win10 it's not an option. But once upgraded to win10 you have a valid license, even for win10 x64. So you can do a reinstall with x64. You need to spend an evening but I would say x64 is worth it.
yes I checked it by using as spotlight and a magnifying glas...
on top one can read "ATMEL MEGA16U2"
nevertheless the sunfounder UNO is a chinese product...
for the moment I have two choises:
asking someone to try it on another PC to identify my own PC if it is working...
following the FW update in the movie on youtube ARDUINO- Upgrading USB FIRMWARE using FLIP - YouTube
if both possibilities fail, I thin I will buy a UNO from another manufacturer and try to change the defect one at sunfounder.
best regards
Okay, just checking 
Testing it on another PC is always a good idea. I have no experience in the FW update process via Flip...
the test with a notebook of a friend was not helpful because it did not see the UNO when we plugged into USB. triggering search for new hardware did not help...
then I forced the procedure of flashing the Atmel Mega 16U2 with its firmware downloaded from github.com and using the atmel flip software. this procedure did work fine, but the driver installation for arduino uno is still messaging 'code10'.
What may be interesting was following:
when I plug in the UNO the PC does not take notice of it,
when I did the procedure of downloading the FW and set the UNO board in a special mode for this, then the PC made a sound like connecting/disconnecting an USB device and the devicemanager showed a new device Atmel Mega 16U2...
What are you thinking, septillion, dannable or anyone else?
Sorry, I found a new arduino uno in my devicemanager without this drivererror...
That means, the FW update of the Atmel Mega 16U2 was the solution of my problems.
The only one I had to do was to remove the wrong device and give the new one the COM, which is shown in the arduino IDE.
No I could sucesfully download my first sketch..:-))
Thank you for helping and giving the link to that error code 10 thread!
"That's only a small step for mankind, but one giant leap for me."
I'm back again >:( because today it looks not so easy as I thougt yesterday night.
Today I have had the same problem again, the arduino is not recognized by WIN10, whenn I plug in the board.
Now I think its a problem of 'plug&play' in windows.
I googled for win 10 problems with recognizing devices on usb and found a very nice tool ' USBDeview'
which allows to see all devices and lots of information about them, that ever had been connected to the USB of your computer. (see attached USBDeview.jpg)
I could see that the Arduino was in the list, but wasn't activ (not recognized).
Then I tried some mor USB connecters of my PC without any success.
After about 10 repeated connecting/disconnecting of the uno board sometime the connection was sucessfully.
Does anybody know about this and is there a solution to fix this annoying behaviour?
Or is this the price for buying a sunfounder product?
would be nice to read news 
Hi all,
finally I like to report that I purchased a new arduino board from another manufacturer (SainSmart).
All the trouble I've had is gone, this board works as it should.
So it's really possible, a brand new board is shipped defective from manufacturer...:-(((
I will try to change it!